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Server bug : avatar

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I'm trying to upload and avatar to the site and it gives me the following message :

The file did not upload. Filename: 'ap_339_silenced_avatar.jpg'
Error: Either destination folder does not exist or is not writable. (chmod 777) [/home/jfgclanc/public_html/torontodarkly/e107_files/public/avatars]

Please check your write permissions and come back to me.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
yeah it does that.


go to imageshack.us and upload your avatar to there. then use the URL u get as avatar
ok... but that's not a fix... that's a dirty patch...
Can't the webmaster fix this ?
Or just send me the code : i'll fix it myself and give it back to you.
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