Selling Minecraft Premium Account - $10


TD Admin | Bacon
''looking out for our users'' what a fucking hero! I just wanted to make a quick $10 and get on with my life.

We can tell by your 4 day old account, and bullshit story.

Worst case: Your a scumbag scamming faggot w/ aids
Best case: Your a random derp just trying to make some cash off our community


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
''looking out for our users'' what a fucking hero! I just wanted to make a quick $10 and get on with my life. Obviously im doing something wrong selling an account on a fucking ''sell and trade'' forum. I dont understand how you guys can be so far up each others arses. As every white girl once said, ''dont hate, appreciate (or just shut the fuck and mind your own business)''

all this work for $10? you are a fucking scrub. and yes, we are looking out for our users. dont come to our house and talk shit to us, ya $10 hoe.


Retired Scrub
Hey, I stayed out of it this time. I didn't put on my "stubborn, judgmental asshole" mask and call the BS as I saw it. In fairness though, there's no proof of reputation or any reason to trust this guy. I mean seriously, 1234? Is that all the effort you're going to put in this? Not even a 567? Amateur.
