Selling items in BULK(Lower than bptf)

I was wondering if anyone would like to purchase the huge amount of painted hats I recently came into. I would just like to sell the items at the LOWEST price.

+2 ref for black/white paints.
+1 ref for any team/after eight paints.
+0.66 for any lime/pink paints.
+0.33 for all other paints.

You'll still make quite a bit if you have the time to sell them. I would personally like to do it myself but school work is catching up on me and I simply do not have the time and resources anymore.

I'll give a little discount if you buy a lot of them at once.
(This does not include items with special levels and halloween spells)
(But if you buy all the painted items I have then I will not ask more for levels and spells)

I am also selling everything in my inventory for lowest bptf prices except:
1. Non tradeables.
2. Ref an keys.
3. Aforementioned painted items.
4. Stranges with parts(Prices are on outpost)
5. Last page of my inventory(Where some items are up for offers)
6. Name/Desc tags. (You can purchase name+desc set for a key)