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Scumbag Russia


Staff member

one particular case, a 30-mile long road built especially for the Games cost an estimated £5 billion, making its construction almost four times as expensive as Nasa's project to send the Curiosity Rover to Mars. The Russian version of Esquire magazine has estimated that the same road could have been paved with a six-centimetre layer of truffles for the same price. Or a one-centimetre layer of black caviar.


OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Wow, Nemtsov (the home-owner) was a former Deputy Prime Minister, and the poor guy now works as a delivery guy and lives in a crammed 900sq.ft home with many other family members... Sad..

But, this shit happens in my home, too. In the 1998 world cup, France paved a ton of roads in-land (in Croatia) where it's mostly rural in exchange for us letting them win and move on to the finals. My father's old home was ripped down and he wasn't even told about it. He received something silly like 5 grand :S (he eventually went to visit in the early 2000's).