Scrim server?


TD Member / Gay Gyoza

the scrim tag is STD| (scrim TD)
ive already called dibs on STD|Syphilis

Auron if ur starting this up for the 5th time let me know im in


Hacking Faggot
hey hey hey! TD had a pretty damn good CAL team a few years back, holeman, soulassasin. myself, nick, pwnion. steve, bonk, and a few other dudes. We actually did pretty well. =D


TD Member
there was a td CAL team? damnit I had to join some american team cuz those were the only competitive players I knew.


TD Admin
Everyone get ventrilo and shit and we'll get some scrims going. That is, when leroy gets us our fucking server!


TD Admin
i scrim with other teams under my alias "banana tits"

i think i only scrimmed once with TD...would love to do it more often, i find scrims force me to play better...but even then having a 1:1 K:D is pretty decent when scrimming, at least the matches i've played was like playing a team full of nick's and spinny's


2012 Troll of the Year
Scrim server is currently up, configured like CAL.

Its a DEV, I still have to fix the weapon restrictions (remove) and turn off stats and sourceTV, which I'll do after the gym. Get in there, play around.

Skies the limit essentially, we can run whatever tourneys you like, scoutknives/shotties/cal 5v5 whatever


Start scrim Live on 3 script

Console->sm_execcfg lo3.cfg

Not sure who has access to the above command... some admin test this out?

Get down with your bad selves.


2012 Troll of the Year
k, scrim server is up and running, as per CAL configs, but skies the limit.

Password: tourney

This server will only be brought up for scrimming/tourneys and will be brought down immediately after. There is no stats, no sourceTV. Enjoy.


TD Admin
Why don't you just password protect it and leave it running jeroy? I don't want to have to find one of you noobs everytime I randomly want to scrim.


2012 Troll of the Year
Two part answer to that question:

Part 1: We don't need extra servers burning up cycles on our machines, so until the server stretches its legs and gets some use, it will have to be on a by request situation.

Part 2: I don't actually think this will get off the ground :)

Part 3: I'm black.


Staff member
request 5v5 match on sunday, whos down?

I'm down


TD Admin

Two part answer to that question:

Part 1: We don't need extra servers burning up cycles on our machines, so until the server stretches its legs and gets some use, it will have to be on a by request situation.

Part 2: I don't actually think this will get off the ground :)

Part 3: I'm black.
You think the machine is impacted at all by an empty server running? I'm not trying to be a dick, but getting scrims together is enough of a pain in the ass as it is, I don't want to add more complication. I'm not sure if you're aware but most scrims aren't scheduled or anything, it's just "hey, I feel like scrimming and 4 other guys are on, why not".

Now, you make a web portal to start and stop the server and then we're talking :)


TD Member
yeah evening would work, im just thinking anytime sunday, cuz il be partying on saturday and friday probably, and I start school back up on monday as do most other students.


TD Admin
CS is not a sport. Only fat kids think CS is a sport.


Staff member
CS is not a sport. Only fat kids think CS is a sport.

I know alot of skinny Japs that would disagree with your comment.