TD Member
Toronto I know is a different beast but in Industry, unions are definitely a necessity. how safe would you feel if Bruce Power or Pickering decided to build their next nuclear reactor non-union?
Was just re-reading some things and I sadly missed this:
Fun Fact of the day. The USSR's farming sector was like this, 97% owned by the USSR and 3% privately owned. Now that 3% of Capitalist, non union worked land produced roughly 70% of the food for the ENTIRE country.
Because the 97% of the farmers were getting payed no matter how good of a job they did, or how they performed, or the fact they couldn't get fired, they showed up drunk, high, didn't show up, and didn't work hard because at the end of the month, no matter how GOOD of a job they did, they in the end were going to get the same pay in the mail EVERY time while the... I shouldn't really say Capitalist... but free farms, the farmers got payed by how well they worked the land and profits, and actually ended up making more money then the USSR owned farmers.
How is this relevant to the argument? Well lets look at another example:
The Hawthorne effect found in the 50's in, well, Hawthorne Works outside of Chicago by Henry A. Landsberger. Now this shows that production goes up with social interaction from an outside source (such as people doing studies) but it ALSO showed in side notes that workers were almost forced to produce the same amount of output each day. People who produced more were often out casted or shamed because employers then asked "if this man can produce X amount of goods per day, why can you guys not?" so people were forced to produce only X units a day to fit in with a primitive version of the modern union. This even stayed constant when Piece pay was introduced to the factory (your payed for how many pieces of product you produced) as a incentive's to work a bit harder for payoff, and even a offering of a trip for not only yourself but your family, work stayed at the same pace.
Anyways, interesting reads but in the end you cannot say that "Union workers do better work" in general, in fact, I would say that non-unionized workers have more to lose and gain. Would get the job done faster and most likely safer.
Point is, at the end of the day things are still debatable and yes, I would feel alright with the next power plant is built non-union.