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School Related Bullshit... Serious posts?

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TD Member
I don't even know why I bothered asking for serious posts because SJ will just troll it anyways...

School is a faggot and once again, guidance has managed to destroy my life by fucking it over. I wasn't supposed to be here at school for another full year. I was only suppose to be here for a semester.

So here's the issue, I need 6 grade 12 university level credits in order to apply to Universities around Ontario.

Problem #1: I'm being forced to go to University via my parentals. Which is fine, I completely understand, they want me to do my best.

Problem #2: My high school is very small, and I'm planning on majoring in MUSIC. My school has one music class, and one drama class, which I'm already taking.

My current schedule goes as followed:

Semester 1:
Grade 12 University English
Grade 12 University/College level Food and Nutrition [which is SO FUCKING POINTLESS TO ME but had to take it because they canceled my journalism class]
Grade 12 University Writer's Craft

Semester 2:
Grade 12 University/College level Communication Technologies
Grade 12 University Drama
Grade 12 University Music

My entire year has been scattered stupidly because I'm limited to my options. I refuse to take Food and Nutrition because A ) I'm tired of people telling me to stop being a vegan, and B ) the class and teacher make me want to do violent things to small children.
I'm going in to meet with my guidance counselor all week and I don't know what to do.
My parents don't want me to limit myself to college, but didn't say that I couldn't GO TO college...
I plan on keeping my second semester as is, I suppose... and I plan on keeping my two english courses in the first semester, as well. They're very demanding courses though.

My options are:
Online/Night School during the first semester [which is going to be swallowed in english work] -- this way I can have the credit added onto my credit count in order to graduate with my class. I don't know what I'd take though or if it's even a smart idea. I work weeknights too.

Co-op at the current location where I work, but this wouldn't count as a university credit, although I'd be getting 4 credits for spending half a day of one semester at the music school where I work. Then that way I could move one of my english courses into the second semester so I can just focus on english and music.... [this would be my ideal option]

Or lastly, I could bite my tongue, finish another entire year here and replace the Food Nutrition course with either Accounting or some other impossibly horrendous course, which would probably lead to myself committing suicide.



TD Admin
long read.

well sometimes we have to do things we don't like. so maybe just take nutrition. i have found night courses to be a unproductive for me, unmotivated and depressed.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
go to university as a mature student u dont need no stinkin high school credits


TD Member
Just kick someone in charge in the face, and yell, "I'm talent, WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?", then don't get banned for hax... Good luck girl, school is a bureaucracy, and they are almost always a pain.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Mandy, are you in grade 12 when you're supposed to be (I mean at the right age?) or are you ahead/behind?

If you're on time, the educational legislature prevents you from taking all courses in one semester (i.e. all 6 credits in the same semester, as opposed to half-half etc) because it's unfair to those who can't keep up, gives you advanced time to enter university over other kids, and a LOT of kids would try it and fail miserably. It's to prevent dummies pullin tricks.

Enjoy your last year, because post-secondary is no joke.


TD Member
Mandy said:
Problem #1: I'm being forced to go to University via my parentals. Which is fine, I completely understand, they want me to do my best.
"I have a problem, nah not really"

Grade 12 University/College level Food and Nutrition [which is SO FUCKING POINTLESS TO ME but had to take it because they blah blah blah]

to be honest all you have to do is make friends with some of the girls who fuck the dean then ask them to give a good referral on your behalf. problem solved.


TD Member
[quote1284026894=OG buckshot jr]
Mandy, are you in grade 12 when you're supposed to be (I mean at the right age?) or are you ahead/behind?

If you're on time, the educational legislature prevents you from taking all courses in one semester (i.e. all 6 credits in the same semester, as opposed to half-half etc) because it's unfair to those who can't keep up, gives you advanced time to enter university over other kids, and a LOT of kids would try it and fail miserably. It's to prevent dummies pullin tricks.

Enjoy your last year, because post-secondary is no joke.
This is my last year, but technically I am ahead. I've managed to complete every category in order to graduate, I just need 3 open courses, really. So in terms of graduating, I have 3 classes, most people have 6, maybe even 7.
But I guess that doesn't really matter now since they told me last year in June, &quot:oh, you wanted to go to University? Oh... well that's another 6 courses. Oh, but you only need 3... Hmm well it seems you'll be taking more classes then needed!" and in my head I'm like "Fuck you."

Fork Included

TD Admin
enjoy your last year of highschool with a light course load

i had 4 OAC's per semester ("grade 13" courses.. i dont even know what the equivalent is now) and i got out of school in grade 12.

in retrospect i should have just spread out the load and taken it easy, cant restore nerve cells!


TD Admin
OAC credits = grade 12 university bound credits
just make sure you have 6 university credits (including the mandatory ones[which always include ENG]) that are above your target average. shitfuck the rest of your classes because, quite frankly, they don't fucking matter in any way. Unless universities have changed the way they pick applicants in the last 4 years.


TD Admin
Why are you crying over THREE COURSES PER SEMESTER!? Unless those three courses are astrophysics, rocket science, and neurology, it's fucking easy mode. It's not worth staying behind another year because of one course that you have suffer through for 3 months -- just suck it up and deal with it. Not everything in life will go as planned or the way you hope for them to be. I'd just stick with what you have and finish it this year. Your parents/you may be perfectly fine with going to college, but you want to have the option of applying to universities should your mind change.

My $0.02


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Just champ it out and get your 6 university credits. If you drop one because you don't like the class, then can't get into uni, you will regret it. It is not the end of the world, not everything can be 100 percent perfect. Sometimes you gotta step up in the short run to accomplish a long term goal.


2012 Troll of the Year
[quote1284042303=Shotgun Jesus]
shit in her coffee.

Every time you post, I love you a little bit more.


2012 Troll of the Year
Just champ it out and get your 6 university credits. If you drop one because you don't like the class, then can't get into uni, you will regret it. It is not the end of the world, not everything can be 100 percent perfect. Sometimes you gotta step up in the short run to accomplish a long term goal.



Hacking Faggot
Just champ it out and get your 6 university credits. If you drop one because you don't like the class, then can't get into uni, you will regret it. It is not the end of the world, not everything can be 100 percent perfect. Sometimes you gotta step up in the short run to accomplish a long term goal.

He's right, and I say to seriously enjoy this while you can. Even though it may seem unfair and shitty, having three periods a day with a spare isn't too shabby. It's only going to get harder in uni/college.

lol I remember when I was in high school I couldn't wait to get out as well. Now I wish I was still there to be honest. But maybe that's just cause of the jail bait I drive by every day on my way home from college. :o


TD Admin
I've had to take some pretty crappy courses during my time in school. I've had to do some pretty crappy jobs while in the workforce. I understand it blows and you have my sympathy, but just stick it out.

PS- Accounting is easymode (both in high school and higher ed) - barely had to crack books at either level for A- grades. I know that it isn't the same for everyone...


TD Admin
lol what is this university level courses? never heard of it before? is this Canada???
in ontario there are 4 levels of difficulty courses for high school students:
workbound, collegebound, college/university bound, and university bound.
You need a sufficient number of courses from the relevant level to apply to college/university.

Fork Included

TD Admin
lol what is this university level courses? never heard of it before? is this Canada???

What are these university level courses? Never heard of them before(period). Is this in Canada?

No wonder you never heard of them.. and yes, this IS Canada. !amazed.
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