TD Member
I don't even know why I bothered asking for serious posts because SJ will just troll it anyways...
School is a faggot and once again, guidance has managed to destroy my life by fucking it over. I wasn't supposed to be here at school for another full year. I was only suppose to be here for a semester.
So here's the issue, I need 6 grade 12 university level credits in order to apply to Universities around Ontario.
Problem #1: I'm being forced to go to University via my parentals. Which is fine, I completely understand, they want me to do my best.
Problem #2: My high school is very small, and I'm planning on majoring in MUSIC. My school has one music class, and one drama class, which I'm already taking.
My current schedule goes as followed:
Semester 1:
Grade 12 University English
Grade 12 University/College level Food and Nutrition [which is SO FUCKING POINTLESS TO ME but had to take it because they canceled my journalism class]
Grade 12 University Writer's Craft
Semester 2:
Grade 12 University/College level Communication Technologies
Grade 12 University Drama
Grade 12 University Music
My entire year has been scattered stupidly because I'm limited to my options. I refuse to take Food and Nutrition because A ) I'm tired of people telling me to stop being a vegan, and B ) the class and teacher make me want to do violent things to small children.
I'm going in to meet with my guidance counselor all week and I don't know what to do.
My parents don't want me to limit myself to college, but didn't say that I couldn't GO TO college...
I plan on keeping my second semester as is, I suppose... and I plan on keeping my two english courses in the first semester, as well. They're very demanding courses though.
My options are:
Online/Night School during the first semester [which is going to be swallowed in english work] -- this way I can have the credit added onto my credit count in order to graduate with my class. I don't know what I'd take though or if it's even a smart idea. I work weeknights too.
Co-op at the current location where I work, but this wouldn't count as a university credit, although I'd be getting 4 credits for spending half a day of one semester at the music school where I work. Then that way I could move one of my english courses into the second semester so I can just focus on english and music.... [this would be my ideal option]
Or lastly, I could bite my tongue, finish another entire year here and replace the Food Nutrition course with either Accounting or some other impossibly horrendous course, which would probably lead to myself committing suicide.
School is a faggot and once again, guidance has managed to destroy my life by fucking it over. I wasn't supposed to be here at school for another full year. I was only suppose to be here for a semester.
So here's the issue, I need 6 grade 12 university level credits in order to apply to Universities around Ontario.
Problem #1: I'm being forced to go to University via my parentals. Which is fine, I completely understand, they want me to do my best.
Problem #2: My high school is very small, and I'm planning on majoring in MUSIC. My school has one music class, and one drama class, which I'm already taking.
My current schedule goes as followed:
Semester 1:
Grade 12 University English
Grade 12 University/College level Food and Nutrition [which is SO FUCKING POINTLESS TO ME but had to take it because they canceled my journalism class]
Grade 12 University Writer's Craft
Semester 2:
Grade 12 University/College level Communication Technologies
Grade 12 University Drama
Grade 12 University Music
My entire year has been scattered stupidly because I'm limited to my options. I refuse to take Food and Nutrition because A ) I'm tired of people telling me to stop being a vegan, and B ) the class and teacher make me want to do violent things to small children.
I'm going in to meet with my guidance counselor all week and I don't know what to do.
My parents don't want me to limit myself to college, but didn't say that I couldn't GO TO college...
I plan on keeping my second semester as is, I suppose... and I plan on keeping my two english courses in the first semester, as well. They're very demanding courses though.
My options are:
Online/Night School during the first semester [which is going to be swallowed in english work] -- this way I can have the credit added onto my credit count in order to graduate with my class. I don't know what I'd take though or if it's even a smart idea. I work weeknights too.
Co-op at the current location where I work, but this wouldn't count as a university credit, although I'd be getting 4 credits for spending half a day of one semester at the music school where I work. Then that way I could move one of my english courses into the second semester so I can just focus on english and music.... [this would be my ideal option]
Or lastly, I could bite my tongue, finish another entire year here and replace the Food Nutrition course with either Accounting or some other impossibly horrendous course, which would probably lead to myself committing suicide.