BANNED Scammer Report - papa743

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A Little Darkly
Hello! This is my first of many scammer reports coming this way, I will be on the look out! ;)

Backstory - Ok, So this guy randomly adds me asking to buy my unusual for money. I asked how much he was willing to pay and he wouldn't answer. In my post i said specifically I am not selling for money. So, he adds me anyways ignoring the notes. I let him offer anyways, but his profile was private. he also didn't link me a rep thread, and he had no rep on tf2outpost ( Atleast that I am aware of ). Right after I point out his profile is private, he removes and blocks me. He deserves to be marked as a scammer, but i will let you guys decide what to do with him.

1. papa743
Rainbowmel0n: hello
Rainbowmel0n: how can i help you?
papa743: hi
papa743: you sell unusual ?
Rainbowmel0n: As a set, yes
Rainbowmel0n: How much are you willing to pay?
papa743: you sell for money ?
Rainbowmel0n: No.
Rainbowmel0n: :3
papa743: (
papa743: i have only money (
Rainbowmel0n: sorry man, to risky for me
Rainbowmel0n: but
Rainbowmel0n: Would you go first?
Rainbowmel0n: Becuase even if i did
Rainbowmel0n: i wou8ld never go first
Rainbowmel0n: *would
papa743: You can ask for help middleman
Rainbowmel0n: idk, how much are you paying in money?
Rainbowmel0n: and link me a rep thread
Rainbowmel0n: And you're profile is private
Rainbowmel0n: Why would i do this if you're profile is private?
papa743 is now Offline.

Anways, that is it for now, thanks guys!
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