SC2 - Team Remy/Clash/Skd


Professional Cocksucker
wow ur stupid shortbus. i picked a race as an example...i hope your parents are sad they beat you over the head too much...

no u


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Lol clash ultras are so bullshit by far the strongest unit in the game technically stronger than the mother-ship in terms of attack power and hit points...a thor has to use strike cannons to kill 1 of


TD Member
Lol clash ultras are so bullshit by far the strongest unit in the game technically stronger than the mother-ship in terms of attack power and hit points...a thor has to use strike cannons to kill 1 of

your a protoss player forcefeild rapes zerg jusr cus you cant micro that kind of stuff :) also ultras cant shoot up or vortex or vortex half an army


Professional Cocksucker
Just out of curiosity, anyone playing in any of the leagues/ladders? If so which 1 ?

SILVER 1v1 here.
holy jeeeeeezus. You fuckers better not ruin this shit before I get to multiplayer. I swear to fuck. I FUCK TO SWEAR. TO SWEAR I FUCKING FUCK.
