SC2 - Team Remy/Clash/Skd


TD Admin
Awesome job last night guys. I'm going to do some reading up on build orders to make sure I can contribute more going forward.

I think I know where we went wrong last game. Clash and I both went starports when at least 2 of us should have been backing Remy in keeping their ground forces tied up. I'll take the blame as I should have switched back to gateways after Clash called starports.

In short:
We all contribute something to an early push. Either it be 2 gate, speedling, or the like. Then one person pushes late tech while the other two incrementally improve theirs.

I know Clash doesn't want to be hyper competitive, but it feels good to win sometimes :-)

You guys be around any tonight?


TD Admin
yeah i was on last night to play some inny matches with td guys and u three just peaced to go get ranks. kinda lame when we had 6 guys but w/e.

SC2 isnt going any where guys. when we have players for an inny we should just play a nice td game. its also a good way to try new builds and strats. so maybe tonight dont all go have ur separate pansy party, cause i know we will have enough for a good game.


TD Admin
I only like played smash the computer because I'm afraid of being bad and don't wanna let the team down.


TD Admin
Chill out guys. This doesnt mean we aren't going to be playing with others. It doesn't lock you into one 3v3 team. You can be on as many as you wish.

We played several games with Cock and Ice on the previous evening. I know Clash and Remy played several rounds with everyone else before I got on last night.


TD Admin
Lol I'm not mad mang. I just had a lot of time to game last night and as soon as we had 6, 3 dipped out. I was just hoping for some nice inny games tonight. No beef ;)


TD Admin
I only like played smash the computer because I'm afraid of being bad and don't wanna let the team down.

Are you still smashed?


TD Member
I only like played smash the computer because I'm afraid of being bad and don't wanna let the team down.

dont worry brains plays too, jk

but i dont enjoy team games they are all just whoever can rush faster or harder wins, not exactly fun. plus you dont imprroove playing teams since you have others to fill in the holes in your play rather than identify what they are and fixing them, thats why i play FFA or 1v1. i am fully willing to put up with team games to play with friends but not all the time, i wanted to play 1v1 and ffa but you and shortbus refused, we had 4 people who were willing to play ffa but we couldnt because you 2 wanted to play teams. and the first time me and remy left to do a 1v1 you trolled us on vent calling us fags for leaveing to play the game how we wanted too. then when we got into the team game you wanted to play it was just like all team games with the fags who play team games, who can rush faster. the second game you and shortbuss atacked me and my friend and i atacked back, then was called a fag for attacking you. then after looseing horibly what do you do you sit in game not leaveing wasteing everyones time hideing and didn't leave till i called you two out on it.

so no i dont want to play team games with people who flame me when they dont get there way then cheeseball and wine during the games. if you want to play like all the people on bronze and silver ladder and rush your way to victory thats fine but i dont want or have to deal with it.

i dont mean to attack you personaly and im sorry if this offends you but im giveing reasons to why me and remy left in the first place


TD Admin
Well I just wanted to play...took forever for shit to get goin. Theb u joined and wanted remy to come w u so I asked why u guys left. This is all blown out of proportion..and I didn't hide at the end of that game I just sat there talking..its all good clash,nobody flamed you and it was all in good fun. I rushed u cause u were obs the biggest threat.

I'd like to play ranked w u sometime clash I think we could roll pretty good.

Anyway all is well, I just wanted to play lastnight, the only reason why I made my initial comment. And I wasn't tryin to be offensive (with my pansy party comment) I was only kidding.

Ill play some ffa tonight, I also found some classic ums maps..golums,evolves,turret d etc, so for inny shit if u don't wanna play serious we can play some awesome ums shit.

I apologize for my initial comment, I tend to run my mouth from time to time

Its all good in da hood boys ;)


TD Admin
the second game you and shortbuss atacked me and my friend and i atacked back, then was called a fag for attacking you. then after looseing horibly what do you do you sit in game not leaveing wasteing everyones time hideing and didn't leave till i called you two out on it.
That's the worst thing you can do in an RTS game is waste time like that. A -1 in my books Roach.


TD Admin
lol i didnt hide i dont know wtf these guys are talking about. they came and attacked my base..took me out of commision but and then stopped attacking, and i just sat there cause nobody else had i play rts alot im not a scrub that would go spread pylons all over the map.

big miscommunication

edit: and it wasnt a ranked game, so i figured when everyone else was done theyd leave and start a new one..i didnt even have a main nex so they had vision of my whole base, i was just chillin havin a smoke as soon as i realized i was done..dunno why clash said i was hiding..shortbus had absolutly nothing and i had the remnents of my main base..then clash calls "WHY TF ARE YOU HIDING" i resond with "?" and then leave because i had no idea everyone was done.


TD Admin | Bacon
I only like played smash the computer because I'm afraid of being bad and don't wanna let the team down.


I hate sucking at games, so I just don't play RTS's :D


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
You guys are all fags arguing about SC2.

In terms of the stupidity last night it took us an hour to get a game going. Im on to play an have fun not wait till you guys decide what floats ur boats.

As for our team clash and skd. i wont be on tonight to play im working till 8 be home by 9 if ur still on i may play. We really need to work on our shit before we play any more matches in silver...

Also skd that wasnt ur fault if you noticed they were extremely better than we were. by the time we had our 10 zealots or so and i crippled zerg they already had rines mauraders and helions with upgrades... We were clearly getting beat and i knew it once our lots died.

We need a better plan but no worries we can think if some shit later.

Ill be on live chat from 4-8 if u guys wanna think of a few things.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
having ur bases isnt having barrack and depot somewhere on the map or a port u lifted off somewhere. call gg when its over dont waste our time.

any TD fags that do this should be perm banned. So ice that means we need your ban hammer.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
lol i didnt hide i dont know wtf these guys are talking about. they came and attacked my base..took me out of commision but and then stopped attacking, and i just sat there cause nobody else had i play rts alot im not a scrub that would go spread pylons all over the map.

big miscommunication

edit: and it wasnt a ranked game, so i figured when everyone else was done theyd leave and start a new one..i didnt even have a main nex so they had vision of my whole base, i was just chillin havin a smoke as soon as i realized i was done..dunno why clash said i was hiding..shortbus had absolutly nothing and i had the remnents of my main base..then clash calls "WHY TF ARE YOU HIDING" i resond with "?" and then leave because i had no idea everyone was done.

Roach if that was the case let us know ur out and you want to stay in and watch. not that you can really watch anything this isnt old sc where you can share vision. and you can ask my teammate brains we spent a good 5 mins looking for you guys...

Oh and as for you clash if you call gg and you stay you cant rebuild and attack again you WHORE!!!


Professional Cocksucker
So now we lifted our buildings/had supply depots around the map eh? Funny since he was toss and i was zerg. =]


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
wow ur stupid shortbus. i picked a race as an example...i hope your parents are sad they beat you over the head too much...