RTD Plugin Fix


DARKLY Regular
Im currently attempting to find a workaround to fix atleast timebomb in the RTD plugin. May take awhile as im missing some sound components.
If anyone can find the original sounds in (.wav if possible), I can put them in for the explosion (or ticking).

UPDATE: I was able to rebuild the timebomb plugin from scratch (Took me a few hours, pretty much fully operational now. Gave full author credits to Darklygaming. And website is listed when someone types in console "sm_plugins"). Suggestions for bomb and/or ticking sounds? I will post the final version after sound is input. (Suggestions for what the color of the rings should be would be nice too, there currently orange)

+1 for WTF BOOM.

Also, still taking suggestions for new rolls (Unlimited ammo, Sentry immunity, etc).


DARKLY Regular
Temporary Sentry Invuln may be too strong, but what about temporary sentry unlimited munitions?

That can be done. I'll add it to first post. Keeping a list of suggestions.

For my next plugin after RTD, should I make a plugin that adds the phrase "[TD Admin]" or "[TF2 Admin]" name tag prefixes so admins are easily distinguished?
If I were to come up with some fun rolls.

Unlimited Ammo
Regen Health
High Gravity
Crash (like destroy all the enemies close by, and yourself)
Ammo Refill
Forced to keep moving forward (kinda like a reverse frozen)

If I come up with anymore, I'll let you know.


DARKLY Regular
If I were to come up with some fun rolls.

Unlimited Ammo
Regen Health
High Gravity
Crash (like destroy all the enemies close by, and yourself)
Ammo Refill
Forced to keep moving forward (kinda like a reverse frozen)

If I come up with anymore, I'll let you know.

First, thank you for your time in helping with some suggestions

1. Ammo. Seems good. =)
2. Regen health. I was going to try and attempt something of the sort. I'll see what I can do. How much HP should it regen every second?, out of combat, ? (Assuming Med default of 5 hp/sec)
3. Don't know. Could give this a try.
4. The timebomb I made so far has the option to splash damage to everyone within a 600 m radius. So im not sure about this one.
5. Ammo refill. Eh. We could. xP
6. Reversing the targets keys? Perhaps... I'll have to look into this one, I may be able to relay reverse binds with FakeClientCommand(), then set them back after. It still depends. Because someone may come along using for say, the arrow keys to move, rather than WASD. So I would be binding something else. This one may just be out of sheer luck. :P
7. I came up with this one. Disables spy disguising and cloak for 15-20 seconds. Eternal cannot gain disguise from backstab, and cloak watches/dr will get no regen and will be depleted upon rolled.

I asked some people on the Darkly server im currently on, they all wanted things like becoming Saxton hale or HHH. Which I can do, but I was just hoping for things that are not too overpowered. But thats just hilarious. :P

In addition to my other post above, I can also add particle effects for admins. So they always have a custom unusual for there hats.

Update Progress for Regen Timer:
Built the regen, now in testing phase. Will update when functional. UPDATE 2: Works! But theirs a memory leak somewhere (Healing is not going to max). I think I know what it is. I'll fix and repost here. UPDATE 3: Leak fixed! Timer seems pretty stable. Little bit more testing. Then moving on to the next one.

Update Progress for Unlimited ammo:
Made the roll, it now works really well! Used similar method that I did with Regen for convince. (Don't want to do a different method each time). It sets the max clip of each weapon to 10 each second. It does not change it back however, unless they go to resupply or use it all (I'm lazy :P). (I think reloading clears it too, not sure). Working on the next one soon.

If you want to help me test, Add me on steam Starman4xz.


Blind , Drugged, and Frozen aren't working ATM. At first I thought it was my admin powers, and i'm like: "FUCK YEAH!", but after reading this thread, it seems like it's a bug :(.
Toxic was working the last time I checked... although when you're invisible, players can see your hat moving around.


DARKLY Regular
Blind , Drugged, and Frozen aren't working ATM. At first I thought it was my admin powers, and i'm like: "FUCK YEAH!", but after reading this thread, it seems like it's a bug :(.
Toxic was working the last time I checked... although when you're invisible, players can see your hat moving around.

Invisible should be working with the release on the first post of the thread.

I was working on timebomb. I have it working. But no good sound effects fit.

Im currently adding Saxton Hale to the RTD (for hilarity to be ensured) cause it sounded like a fun idea. Admins can disable the roll if you do not want Saxton to be rolled for.


DARKLY Regular
Update on Saxton:
Somewhat working, just the sounds don't currently work (looking into it). Stun is almost fixed. Model works. Should be done soon.

EDIT/UPDATE1: Stun works!
EDIT/UPDATE2: Sounds work! One more thing to patch up and we'll be good-to-go!

Current bug: Saxton appears as if there is a shovel sticking out of his back. I'm working on trans-coloring this weapon so it is invisible.
EDIT3: Current bug is fixed. Shovel no longer appears.

Last thing to add. More sounds for Spawn and death, and we will be good to go! (Going to do it via switch statement).
I think it should just go back to what it was and report the admins that are abusing it.

^I was saying if it ain't broke, don't fix it...since there's not that many, abuse isn't easy to conceal. Also, some people end up getting Timebombed consecutively as well as getting negative rolls, such as being ignited.


DARKLY Regular
^I was saying if it ain't broke, don't fix it...since there's not that many, abuse isn't easy to conceal. Also, some people end up getting Timebombed consecutively as well as getting negative rolls, such as being ignited.

True. But even when the four commands (Becon, timebomb, freeze, drugged) are not working, why not add 3 new ones + the fixed timebomb I was able to rebuild. People will get a blast out of Saxton. xD


Staff member
Starman4xz I will throw your plugin on a few of the trade servers and see how people like it. Is is ready to go?


DARKLY Regular
Alright. Give me a second. I need to compress the final version.

EDIT: brades, can I find a external source? I had to include the TF2Items extension for the Saxton weps to work. And the forum says the .zip is too big.


DARKLY Regular
Alright. Put it on Mediafire (Since I had an account there already)


Also if it's ok with you, for the timebomb plugin, I removed the ticking sound (it's really cheesy. trust me).
I already have all the files in place. All that needs to be done is to just put all of the contents of the folder in the servers tf directory. Then reset. Nothing else needed.
(I don't think there is a difference in the directory(s) for linux... right? If not you guys can improvise or post here and ill check it out)

EDIT: brades! I forgot the plugin that fixes invisibility. Im re-uploading now.

Changed link above. That should be the final release for now. Sorry about that

Current intended bugs:
1. If you roll Saxton hale, and attempt to go to resupply within the time being, you will be reset back to your original model, stats, and weapons. Intended so you cannot heal if you happen to die (which is really unlikely. He takes 5 dps from a full on headshot...)
2. Yes. I know the 1st person view shows a shovel. But the third person view does not (players looking at you will not see a shovel). It's somewhat intended but somewhat not. I figured leave it as is.

Current unintended bugs:
1. If you taunt, and see your characters model show up as an model that says "ERROR", this means the model did not download or Precache. Luckily, there is an easy way to fix this. Just reset TF2 completely, and rejoin the server after. The model will then show as Saxton hale. This occurs naturally due to TF2, not the plugin.


DARKLY Regular
Alright. I noticed I was testing these commands when I was admin on my local server. So they wont run to normal players. I did a work around (masked the command randomly so nobody will know it or execute it) so it will run. Im going to re-upload the fixed plugins here:


Just replace the original commands with this one.
If you can when you get back brades(or LB if you can), add them back to this server and we'll see if they work now.

About the saxton model:
I saw this when I was testing it, It will occasionally from time-to-time becomes invisible. It should not be all the time, just sometimes. It only happend to me once when I was testing it like 50 other times.

EDIT: Tested the new ones out. Should work when rolling as admin or non-admin.
EDIT2: Now there not. Weird. I'll see what I can do and post back a fixed version here.
EDIT3: Found a simple workaround to the fix. This should be the final fix to all of this madness.


DARKLY Regular
Alright. Here is the final version.
I tested on my server, removing admin and immunity from myself completely, and they still worked. Upload it on the trade3 again so we can see if there is still anything wrong.

(Only has the plugins because you guys already have the extensions, and I did not include timebomb as brades was going to put the funcommands plugin back)