RTD Plugin Fix


DARKLY Regular
Hello people of Darklygaming!

I have always been a big fan of your trade server (mainly TF2 trade_rawr)!
The server is awesome, have been playing on it for awhile, and doing so I noticed something.. The RTD plugin seems to be broken, as the invisibility will not make customs invisible. So I decided, why not upload a fixed version here?

What I did:
I have this plugin that I acquired a long time ago that tints entity's alpha to the point of make them invisible, and has given me no problem every time I use it. (Pretty much like the RTD invis. currently, but also tinting the hats and misc too)
I have decided to remove the Colorization function from the RTD plugin, and made it so it runs this plugins invisibility rather than the one that is already coded.

I did test this plugin out, with much success each try. (Completely invisible, even bots! However, if you go to a resupply once the effect has started, the hats and on-wears will show again. Sorry. But the only way to fix that is to make a timer, or probably an OnGameFrame() statement).

As for the other things like crits and the time-bomb, I have not yet looked into. (If you want, I can possibly fix those too, but I would need the current RTD plugin the server is using to compare what will needed to be added or changed).

Hope this helps make invisibility trolling with RTD more fun! Also taking suggestions for more rolls! List below.

Suggestion list:
1. Unlimited Sentry ammo for 20 seconds.



TD Admin / Wanker
Just reporting in some other broken parts.

The whole time I have been on DARKLY, crits has never worked.

Earlier, Toxic did not work, Blind doesn't work, and I have heard that frozen is broken as well.
There are others, I think someone else mentioned a few others but I can't remember them right now.


DARKLY Regular
Just reporting in some other broken parts.

The whole time I have been on DARKLY, crits has never worked.

Earlier, Toxic did not work, Blind doesn't work, and I have heard that frozen is broken as well.
There are others, I think someone else mentioned a few others but I can't remember them right now.

Since most of the called items (frozen, timebomb, blind, toxic, ect)(My local server came with these in SM) are hardcoded inside sourcemod. It may be that the server addon is outdated. (Or they were taken out. They probably came with the default "playercommands.smx" plugin. Did not check if thats the actual source)

I just checked the Sourcemod version of the Darkly server using "sm" in console. It's running off of 1.3.9-dev (Its outdated, and can be causing some problem, bugs or the sort). The latest dev branch is 1.5.0, which includes a lot of changes over the past. I would recommend updating that and see if it fixes (Check Meta-mod as well). I can run RTD on my local server with everything now running (using the fixed invis plugin too, cause I saw some problem with it in the original too when I would invis.) I cannot guarantee that is the problem, but its recommended at least the 1.4.3 is being used. I personally would go with the 1.5.0-dev branch, as it has fixed gamedata that was broken from a TF2 patch not so long ago.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
The whole time I have been on DARKLY, crits has never worked.

Crits was disabled on DARKLY pub servers when we had them. Maybe the configs were copied to the trade servers. I'll have a look into that.

Edit: Yep, that was the case. I am enabling crits on all trade servers right now.
I think it was more simpler the way it was before fun commands were taken away.

Maybe just reset it all and update to the latest available? I can remind people if they need to when an update is available.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I restarted all the TF2 servers this morning, crits should be working. Zacky, please confirm this next time you play on one of the servers.


DARKLY Regular
Also, if the admins like, I'll take suggestions and code them into the RTD plugin.

Things like making you immune to sentry targeting when invisible, unlimited ammo, ect.
Can't we just have it the way we was? Again, it feels like we're going in circles, I still haven't seen crits work, timebomb, freeze, buff health, ignite, etc, they all aren't working.
No I meant being randomly timebombed by the system, not the admins.

That's happened before, people roll a timebomb, then a few seconds later someone else timebombs. If they don't like it, they can suicide before the first bomb and escape, or be killed. After that, only switching teams or going into Spec saves them.

The complaints about timebombs and fun RTD results is no where near the amount of stuff going on in the servers, muted about 26 people in less than 3 hours.


DARKLY Regular
Can I burn people on demand?

If so, then okay we're good.

I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not, but since your an admin, I built the plugin.

ConVars: sm_fire_on <1/0> // Decides whether the plugin is on or not.

* There a two types of fires, A burn, and the TF2 fire. fire1 is the burn, fire2 is the TF2 burn
1. sm_fire1 <target id> <duration> #A burn fire. Contains a working duration.
2. sm_fire2 <target id> <input a random value> #Pretty much a punishment TF2 burn, Once triggered, it does not stop. Not even if the target dies or goes to resupply. Use at own risk. Deals no DPS to pyro.

Wasn't too hard to make, the TF2 fire is harder because I had to make timers so it cannot be expelled like the other burn. But it has no duration, so the 1st would be more stable. Discontinued until you say there should be changes or whatnot.

Edit: Forgot to say, plugin requires at least the "Admin flag: Slay" to use. Anyone without the flag, or lower in rank cannot use it.