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Rogers Cable Internet???


Professional Cocksucker
So i notice my internet is quicker than usual. Im all confused because there are a total of 5 people using the internet at my house at a time.

I go do a speed test and get:



Edit: Anyone else with Rogers getting higher than normal speeds?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Cancelled my entire house (phone, internet and tv) of Cogeco - I feel so LIBERATED! :D
We're currently signing up with TekSavvy, on the phone with them right now. Initial cost is gonna be a little high, but the monthly 300GB and the cheaper service and getting to speak with ENGLISH SPEAKING people is amazing when I need it. Totally worth it :)


TD Member
what the hell kinda country do you live in that limits Bandwidth?
Welcome to Ontario.

Although, I don't think american companies in certain regional markets are innocent of doing this either.

Btw, Rogers is upping their over-limit charge from $50 to $100. Fuck those faggots.


Professional Cocksucker
Cancelled my entire house (phone, internet and tv) of Cogeco - I feel so LIBERATED! :D
We're currently signing up with TekSavvy, on the phone with them right now. Initial cost is gonna be a little high, but the monthly 300GB and the cheaper service and getting to speak with ENGLISH SPEAKING people is amazing when I need it. Totally worth it :)

:clap:, no really, :clap:

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
Cancelled my entire house (phone, internet and tv) of Cogeco - I feel so LIBERATED! :D
We're currently signing up with TekSavvy, on the phone with them right now. Initial cost is gonna be a little high, but the monthly 300GB and the cheaper service and getting to speak with ENGLISH SPEAKING people is amazing when I need it. Totally worth it :)

I think you will actually find Teksavvy superior in every single aspect too (price and quality). I have noticed Rogers definitely tampers with the connection, redirects you to their own Rogers branded website when you mistype URLs, partners like Yahoo work great, and I found with Rogers sites like Google were inaccessible at times. What a shit ISP.


DARKLY Regular
Welcome to Ontario.

Although, I don't think american companies in certain regional markets are innocent of doing this either.

Btw, Rogers is upping their over-limit charge from $50 to $100. Fuck those faggots.

Couldn't imagine being capped for my home internet service. Our speeds are complete shit here tho the fastest in my area is 15mbs download and 3mbs upload which is what i went with. Fiber optics is really lacking here. Im not in a city or really near one tho


TD Admin
teksavvy is the best 3rd party provider ive tried thus far. they are based out of chatham ontario, about 45 mins from windsor. #1 advocate for opposing UBB and all that other BS the big 3 are trying to shove down our throats.
I know they offer cable internet, not sure where it is supported tho. they also have up to 25mbit DSL unlimited connections depending on your area. I live in the sticks so i need to run 2 6mbit connections in MLPPP. but i get top speed for my line and they are very competitive priced.


TD Admin
speedboost is not that new. frankly, if it were me, i would check with the other users in your home and see if anyone spoke to rogers recently. an employee could have accidentally upgraded your package. hell, you could have been calling about a cellphone and they upgraded your package by accident. believe me when i say that this could happen.