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Rocklobster is no freind of mine

You can never ban me. It is not even worth trying. Rock lobster actually tried to destroy one of my HLRP servers. He was my friend then he stab me in the back. I want his head on a plate. In RL... You guys came on my forums talking shit that is why I am here know. Please Apologize for your actions towards UNIT and I will not further my actions towards you. I hold no grudges I just act on gut in stink and you through the first punch. Dont make me knock you out... ;)

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Hey, Nutz.

You probably missed our post on the front:

To Our Fellow Gaming Communities,

We've been made aware that a recently banned player (and his friends) have possibly been spamming our URL on gaming community forums. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

The player is from Moyock, NC or Aydlett, NC or the surrounding area.

Player: ¤Ð∫¤GiantRockLobster
IP used to spam:
Player IP:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27102031
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014469790

For more info, please check the thread discussing this:

Thank you,

Sorry for deleting your posts here, we thought you were GiantRockLobster trying to spam us using UNIT member names.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
We have already made a public news post regarding this. Please rest assured we had nothing to do with the posts on your servers from a user named "Darkly Gaming" advertising our website and community. This was done by GiantRockLobster as an attempt to start problems between our communities.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Sorry but damn that's some bad english... where's fork when you need him lol
I am Spanish...

Sorry for my bad English. I grew up in New Mexico the schools here are bad. I am sorry to hear you guys are having problems with Rock Lobster. He is no good. Just ignore him he will go away.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
hahah pyro, new mexico is not in mexico. ur thinking of mexico city.


TD Admin
arent there lots of spanish people in new mexico? i heard that most white people you meet there are either canadian tourists... or bryan cranston.
Lmao your so right if you lived in the Internet world. I am actually a mixed breed a true blood american. Spanish/Irish/German/French/And a lil Cherokee. ;) The best of all worlds. There is a lot of us on the borders states I feel I am a independent with worlds best intresast in mind. I try not to choose a party cause if you stay at one too long you miss the next big thing. I am a constant grower a receiver of knowledge. So please do not let my in proper grammar stop you from being my friend...

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Don't worry, these guys probably have never been to the southern states, and probably don't have the best cultural knowledge either lol. You can be our friend regardless of your grammar because that does not reflect who you are as a person. Bienvenido amigo! Nuestra casa es su casa :)
Aww mi amigo.. :) Les agradezco por su comunidad ser tan amable. Sólo quiero lo mejor para nosotros. Communitys deben trabajar togather. Necesitamos más gente como nosotros, y menos como RockLobster. I would rather speak English more people understand me. Thank you for your welcoming. If you guys ever need servers or custom mods for your serves. UNIT has a team dedicated to creating custom mods. We also design Custom Websites and host them for 1 year free. I also noticed some security features that I could help you out with. Did you guys have a fun time trying to ban me? ;)


Staff member
I also noticed some security features that I could help you out with. Did you guys have a fun time trying to ban me? ;)

My first laugh of the day!

Also, you said you're a mixed blood, the best of all worlds. I see no arabic or asian in that mix. That's why your claim of best of all worlds is false :P


Senior TF2 Admin
I don't feel that our major security concerns would be with an arrogant troll? Trolls go away on their own, most of the time.