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Rocklobster is no freind of mine

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I also noticed some security features that I could help you out with. Did you guys have a fun time trying to ban me? ;)

Good point lol. We weren't sure what was going on lol, we thought it was giantrock making fake accounts because the previous day he came here with a mob of friends created accounts and tried to appeal his ban on our servers. And since he seemed to have created multiple accounts on your forums, we did not know who was who anymore creating accounts on our forum, because he had created a new account here around the same time as your post too. But yea you kept coming back. Would definitely like to know how you think we could tighten security :)
Well to start off things I don't like to talk about security and such, on a open forums. Join my team speak or my forums so we can message. www.unitserverse.com or ts10.bargainvoice.com:7290 I like to help other community's that is what UNIT is about... ;)


Temp TF2 Banned
Aww mi amigo.. :) Les agradezco por su comunidad ser tan amable. Sólo quiero lo mejor para nosotros. Communitys deben trabajar togather. Necesitamos más gente como nosotros, y menos como RockLobster.

Translator Derpy is here (I can also do russian)

"Oh my friends... I'm very grateful that you guys have such a polite community. I just want the best for both of us. Communities should work together. We need more people like us, and less like Rocklobster."

Thanks Nutz, we really appreciate that you want to help us out :) Hopefully we can return the favor some day.