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RIP Robin Williams


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
I do appreciate where you are coming from, I just don't think you are giving what are some worthy considerations sufficient weight in your reasoning..

You say that you cannot see how you can stand on the ledge and not consider the consequences, I suggest that people on that ledge are very much considering the consequences - they just use a different calculus to arrive at what is the best choice, and like with any rational form of thought, if you aren't considering all the factors, or not valuing them properly you are likely to make incorrect assumptions about the best course of action. The factors in this equation are the neural malfunction in the brain, and the established corresponding psychological impact. You mentioned earlier the intellect as a factor in susceptibility to mental imbalance, then drew the comparison with Micheal J Fox (who I also admire) who suffers from an illness that affects the motor functions through neural misfiring, also caused by a chemical imbalance.

By this reasoning, Micheal J Fox is wasteful arrogant piece of shit - he spills food and drink intentionally all the time, just throws it on the floor. He chooses to drool, he chooses to make people wait while he speaks - if after all the ability of your neural system to function normally has no bearing on the absolute outcome of your behavior - then everything he does is because he chooses to do it, and the shit he does makes him an asshole, right?

you writing is hot, nice to read

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
Why are you all arguing about this still? None of you knew Robin Williams so just shut the front door already.

2 things..

1. It was an "argument" only in the classical sense, that is to say a discussion of ideas rather than verbal sparring
2. The discussion has reached it's conclusion...

Which begs the question, why are you still complaining about it?