Professional Cocksucker
who gives a fuck. ive never even seen anyone whip out an ipad in public and if i did i bet someone would yell FAGGOT before i could even draw a breath to proclaim the same thing. who are all these yuppies buying the latest iFaggot just to bust it out and show how cool they are by doing the same thing in public that everyone else does at home? my buddy lent me his iphone once to google map and i was like "there's a computer upstairs that i can do this five times faster on, you must be fucking mentally retarded to pay 400 bucks for this shit"
Were you deprived of things as a kid?
who gives a fuck. ive never even seen anyone whip out an ipad in public and if i did i bet someone would yell FAGGOT before i could even draw a breath to proclaim the same thing. who are all these yuppies buying the latest iFaggot just to bust it out and show how cool they are by doing the same thing in public that everyone else does at home? my buddy lent me his iphone once to google map and i was like "there's a computer upstairs that i can do this five times faster on, you must be fucking mentally retarded to pay 400 bucks for this shit"
Were you deprived of things as a kid?