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Rick Perry lololol

Fork Included

TD Admin
lol get off your height horse Fork. A lot of those "low skill" jobs you're talking about pay in the "45-50k" range.

what are you saying? what high horse?

a low skill job can be a good job, i'm not saying that it's a bad job because it's low skill, but why should someone that decided to invest their time and effort educating themselves to a point where they can perform the higher skilled jobs essentially be forced to do the low skill job just to make ends meet

these people were then sold a false promise, society made their futures look bright and then pulled the rug from underneath them

this is not a matter of entitlement, this is a matter of how our society perceives itself and how it teaches kids from a very early age

get good grades and you'll be given a chance to do great things

only the people who get good grades are given a shitty job offering once they are out in the world and have to unlearn everything they knew about life up to this point

WHY does such a system EXIST?


DARKLY Regular
Fork, you just don't get it. You continue to let emotions trump logic. I don't see this conversation going anywhere...


DARKLY Regular
but why should someone that decided to invest their time and effort educating themselves to a point where they can perform the higher skilled jobs essentially be forced to do the low skill job just to make ends meet
Because of competition. Competition is what has driven us to greatness. Competition is what has advanced our society to levels far beyond what past generations could even fathom. The people that "invest their time and effort educating themselves" have saturated the market. There are millions of them. They are everywhere. They practically sell them at Wal Mart. You want that job? You're going to have to fight for it. You're going to have to prove that you're the proverbial biggest, fastest, strongest. This is the foundation of progress. This is the foundation of competition. This is the mentality that has and will continue to drive us to greatness.

Stop the whining. It's survival of the fittest. Nobody is interested in living in a world of mediocrity.


Staff member
You want that job? You're going to have to fight for it. You're going to have to prove that you're the proverbial biggest, fastest, strongest. This is the foundation of progress. This is the foundation of competition. This is the mentality that has and will continue to drive us to greatness.

Unless you came over on a boat

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I understand both Fork and Andy's points, and they both make very much sense. I seem to find that 'middle', where the educated man expecting/hoping (whatever word you'd like to use here, I personally don't mean to imply anything as it's moot to my point) to get that great job in his field has to either know somebody and get hooked up, or continue his education even further (masters/PH.D) because of that saturation that Andy speaks of.

As much as I agree with Fork, I completely understand Andy's point: there's a BILLION (literally, they fuck like rabits) indian and chinese kids who: have ZERO life, just study study study, and they're all fuckin engineers, doctors, lawyers, computer yadda-yadda's (yadda = technician, engineer, robotics etc), out of their non-North-American schools that are both much cheaper and easier to complete than our super-duper 'ivy-league' (ivy league: all name; twice as hard, three times as expensive = same fuckin education, in my opinion) schools. And where do they end up? "CNN Reports today, a boat of approximately 300,000 illegal (insert poor country here) ______ immigrants has illegally docked in Vancouver." And instead of Canada saying "Fuck you, turn around" - NOPE - they're now living in Toronto (cause, you know, Saskatchewan is over-populated), WITH funding from my tax dollar. And I now have 1000x the competition for the job I was hoping for.


Fork Included

TD Admin
Nobody is interested in living in a world of mediocrity.

Survival of the fittest? Do you live in Somalia?

I'm interested in a world of mediocrity, a very high level of mediocrity, North America's "middle" is a pretty fucking good place by world standards.

You're hooked on the American Dream and don't want to wake up.


Staff member
Survival of the fittest? Do you live in Somalia?

I'm interested in a world of mediocrity, a very high level of mediocrity, North America's "middle" is a pretty fucking good place by world standards.

You're hooked on the American Dream and don't want to wake up.

Fully agree.


TD Admin
Fork and Cock...

"Survival of the fittest? Do you live in Somalia?"

that is the dumbest thing i have ever read. Are you both on crack? Why should everyone be equal? If you are fine with being middle class or lower class thats your view. I for one want to be the 1% so i will work hard to get there. I dont think they should have a lower salary because some people cant make ends meat. Answer is plain and simple you make your bed and you sleep in it.

1. No one told you to buy a house when an apartment is enough.
2. You didnt need to spend 100K on school when 10K could get you same degree.
3. Why buy a BMW or Mercedes when you cant afford a Hyundai.
4. Eating ramen noodles for dinner because you spent 2500 on a mac book.



TD Admin
Fork and Cock...

"Survival of the fittest? Do you live in Somalia?"

that is the dumbest thing i have ever read. Are you both on crack? Why should everyone be equal? If you are fine with being middle class or lower class thats your view. I for one want to be the 1% so i will work hard to get there. I dont think they should have a lower salary because some people cant make ends meat. Answer is plain and simple you make your bed and you sleep in it.

1. No one told you to buy a house when an apartment is enough.
2. You didnt need to spend 100K on school when 10K could get you same degree.
3. Why buy a BMW or Mercedes when you cant afford a Hyundai.
4. Eating ramen noodles for dinner because you spent 2500 on a mac book.


agreed, this is why i don't give money to bum's.


TD Admin | Bacon
Survival of the fittest? Do you live in Somalia?

I'm interested in a world of mediocrity, a very high level of mediocrity, North America's "middle" is a pretty fucking good place by world standards.

You're hooked on the American Dream and don't want to wake up.

So stay in the middle class. No need to bring everyone else down with you.

Go back to russia if you want you're doctor to make as much as janitors.

Fork Included

TD Admin
bring down? steve you have a long way to go before you get to where i'm at, LOL

just so we're clear, what do YOU consider to be "middle class"


TD Admin | Bacon
bring down? steve you have a long way to go before you get to where i'm at, LOL

You'd be surprised. I probably only make 15k-20k less then you and I'm still in uni. Zero debt, 1 year left.

and you don't see me crying about the value of my degree.

Fork Included

TD Admin
Steve i've been employed since 15 and i have never had problems with money, just so we're all on the same page, i'm not arguing for MY case

i'm arguing for society's case

you live in a society, you do not live for yourself, your actions will affect other people, and your success will depend on other people

your cut-throat mentality will not lead to a stable life, i can guarantee you that much.


TD Admin | Bacon
Steve i've been employed since 15 and i have never had problems with money, just so we're all on the same page, i'm not arguing for MY case

i'm arguing for society's case

you live in a society, you do not live for yourself, your actions will affect other people, and your success will depend on other people

your cut-throat mentality will not lead to a stable life, i can guarantee you that much.

0_o we shall see.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
I understand both Fork and Andy's points, and they both make very much sense. I seem to find that 'middle', where the educated man expecting/hoping (whatever word you'd like to use here, I personally don't mean to imply anything as it's moot to my point) to get that great job in his field has to either know somebody and get hooked up, or continue his education even further (masters/PH.D) because of that saturation that Andy speaks of.

As much as I agree with Fork, I completely understand Andy's point: there's a BILLION (literally, they fuck like rabits) indian and chinese kids who: have ZERO life, just study study study, and they're all fuckin engineers, doctors, lawyers, computer yadda-yadda's (yadda = technician, engineer, robotics etc), out of their non-North-American schools that are both much cheaper and easier to complete than our super-duper 'ivy-league' (ivy league: all name; twice as hard, three times as expensive = same fuckin education, in my opinion) schools. And where do they end up? "CNN Reports today, a boat of approximately 300,000 illegal (insert poor country here) ______ immigrants has illegally docked in Vancouver." And instead of Canada saying "Fuck you, turn around" - NOPE - they're now living in Toronto (cause, you know, Saskatchewan is over-populated), WITH funding from my tax dollar. And I now have 1000x the competition for the job I was hoping for.


why you guys always shittin on brown people, fuck, your a smart guy they should be no threat to you especially in the job market.

if anything we should have a bit of compassion, these tamils do have a violent history, but the ones who came over were going to get murdered by their own government. send them home so the cops can dump lead into them or sink their boat , derpppp
