Fork Included
TD Admin
lol get off your height horse Fork. A lot of those "low skill" jobs you're talking about pay in the "45-50k" range.
what are you saying? what high horse?
a low skill job can be a good job, i'm not saying that it's a bad job because it's low skill, but why should someone that decided to invest their time and effort educating themselves to a point where they can perform the higher skilled jobs essentially be forced to do the low skill job just to make ends meet
these people were then sold a false promise, society made their futures look bright and then pulled the rug from underneath them
this is not a matter of entitlement, this is a matter of how our society perceives itself and how it teaches kids from a very early age
get good grades and you'll be given a chance to do great things
only the people who get good grades are given a shitty job offering once they are out in the world and have to unlearn everything they knew about life up to this point
WHY does such a system EXIST?