It is actually sad how many intelligent people really don't get the absurdity of the arguments being made by the politicians. I work with a guy here that makes 6 figures (a pharmacist) and is well educated. He thinks its feasible to cut spending back to 1930 levels. He doesn't realize that agencies such as the EPA didn't exist in the 1930's and are completely needed. One of his key arguments is that if he paid less taxes he could donate more to charity and charities could take over large sections of governmental functions (healthcare for the poor, food programs, etc). Charity being completely voluntary wouldn't be able to reach enough people as the government can.
Now I'm not claiming there isn't a large amount of waste. Pennies and dollar bills should be done away with for example (dollar coins instead would save hundreds of millions per year, pennies have at various times recently had higher melt values than face values). Military funding should be rolled back to pre-2001 levels and we'd still be outspending the next 5 closest nations.
If the EPA had been started sooner, maybe Steve and Ice wouldn't have eaten all that lead paint.