Review of parts from build


Blackpulse Admin
I7 3770k - This thing is just a beast. If you are looking to overclock it's pretty simple and it may get hot however I'm not seeing that that is the case. I'm running at 4.53 and my temps under are no higher than 61 Celsius under full load. Nothing else need be said, get this.

Noctua NH-U12 140mm - The look of this cooler is pretty sweet, to be honest I think I would care but once it turned on and I didn't hear anything.. just amazing. The installation was a little difficult but it is well worth it for the results I'm getting. If I had to buy another fan I'd probably go bigger to the NH-D14 but this one is defiantly the best if you are going for a quiet build.

Asus P8Z77-V Pro - Other than the fact that it looks pretty damn sweet, the BIOS is awesome though if it wasn't for that I'd boot up in 3 seconds. Downsides to this board would be only 2 6gb/s slots but no big deal to me. Overall just a nice board, Don't know why you would buy something else if you got the money to blow.

GSkill Ares 2x8 @1866 stock - The Mobo had them set at 1333 but it was simple to get them back to where they should have been and more. Other than being low profile and shiny, if they are on sale, git'm.

Crucial M4 - It's fast, and it may not be as fast as other ssd's, the fact that you get free firmware updates, come on. Yes it is not the fastest, but at this speed point, start going for reliability. I honestly don't see a point for anything much faster if it's not reliable. I was having some freezes but it was my fault in the first place and I fixed it. I boot up in 3 seconds if that if it weren't for the bios...

Seagate Barracuda 2TB - Haven't done to much with this thing other than throw some backups on it and it keeps up pretty well with the ssd considering it is a HDD.

EVGA GTX 680 Signature 2 - Playing CSS maxed all settings (1920x1080). Fraps won't show the fps over 299 and it stays at 299 and doesn't move. Playing GTA IV maxed settings, 60-80fps never dropping below 55. It runs cool, idle 29-30 and I have yet to even push it to the max and I haven't seen anything above 50 Celsius. I'll update more games FPS once I get them downloaded. The 2 fans on this thing I don't really hear them, maybe it is because it hasn't really been tested yet but I sit right next to my case and I can't hear them.

HAF 932 Blue - I am currently typing this from inside the case. I think I could put a ceiling fan in this thing. Great cable management, easy to install in had zero problems. Stock fans are SILENT and BLUE! This case is as great as you guys say it is, get it everyone especially if you are air cooling.

Corsair 750W Fully Modular - Easy as pie to do cable management with this and it's corsair. You can't go wrong. The fan on it is pretty quiet too though I can't really tell since it is blowing out the bottom of the case.

Any Questions ask away!


Drinking your tears
I7 3770k - This thing is just a beast. If you are looking to overclock it's pretty simple and it may get hot however I'm not seeing that that is the case. I'm running at 4.53 and my temps under are no higher than 61 Celsius under full load. Nothing else need be said, get this.
Did you use the ASUS Autotune?

Noctua NH-U12 140mm - The look of this cooler is pretty sweet, to be honest I think I would care but once it turned on and I didn't hear anything.. just amazing. The installation was a little difficult but it is well worth it for the results I'm getting. If I had to buy another fan I'd probably go bigger to the NH-D14 but this one is defiantly the best if you are going for a quiet build.
Since I am a lazy mofo, I will always go the biggest Noctua at time of build, b/c I know I won't change my HSF, unless I am changing my CPU, so I go big so I can stay at home LOL

Asus P8Z77-V Pro - Other than the fact that it looks pretty damn sweet, the BIOS is awesome though if it wasn't for that I'd boot up in 3 seconds. Downsides to this board would be only 2 6gb/s slots but no big deal to me. Overall just a nice board, Don't know why you would buy something else if you got the money to blow.
Only SSD's need SATA3, even the fastest HDD does not saturate SATA2, so probably not a big deal for 99% of the people. Like I said, my next build will be ASUS Pxxxx - Pro... whenever that happens, always a good blend of performance, features, price and reliability.

GSkill Ares 2x8 @1866 stock - The Mobo had them set at 1333 but it was simple to get them back to where they should have been and more. Other than being low profile and shiny, if they are on sale, git'm.
Pretty much any stick of RAM, even with XMP will need to be set in the BIOS to get the right frequency/latency, no knock to G.Skill for that

Crucial M4 - It's fast, and it may not be as fast as other ssd's, the fact that you get free firmware updates, come on. Yes it is not the fastest, but at this speed point, start going for reliability. I honestly don't see a point for anything much faster if it's not reliable. I was having some freezes but it was my fault in the first place and I fixed it. I boot up in 3 seconds if that if it weren't for the bios...
What do you mean by "weren't for the bios" ? So it's 3 seconds after bios? I know you can skip some of the bios messaging if you want.

Seagate Barracuda 2TB - Haven't done to much with this thing other than throw some backups on it and it keeps up pretty well with the ssd considering it is a HDD.

EVGA GTX 680 Signature 2 - Playing CSS maxed all settings (1920x1080). Fraps won't show the fps over 299 and it stays at 299 and doesn't move. Playing GTA IV maxed settings, 60-80fps never dropping below 55. It runs cool, idle 29-30 and I have yet to even push it to the max and I haven't seen anything above 50 Celsius. I'll update more games FPS once I get them downloaded. The 2 fans on this thing I don't really hear them, maybe it is because it hasn't really been tested yet but I sit right next to my case and I can't hear them.
CS : S is not a good test of any current video card, my 6870 even before I overclocked it, would underclock itself for CS:S because the requirements are so low. If you set fps_max 0, you'll see past 299 in game, but maybe not for fraps.

HAF 932 Blue - I am currently typing this from inside the case. I think I could put a ceiling fan in this thing. Great cable management, easy to install in had zero problems. Stock fans are SILENT and BLUE! This case is as great as you guys say it is, get it everyone especially if you are air cooling.

Corsair 750W Fully Modular - Easy as pie to do cable management with this and it's corsair. You can't go wrong. The fan on it is pretty quiet too though I can't really tell since it is blowing out the bottom of the case.
The right size Corsair modular PSU for a build is usually pure win. Some of the newer ones don't even turn on the fan until you have significant load.

Any Questions ask away!
Some feedback and two questions... but for sure your system is the tits!

Not surprising that I love your build, it's very close to what I would buy if my current PC blew up!

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($329.99 @ Newegg Canada)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($70.99 @ Computer Valley)
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V PRO ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($203.34 @ DirectCanada)
Memory: Samsung 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($46.99 @ Newegg Canada) Hard to find, sells out crazy as it overclocks to 2133 with slight voltage bump or 1866 on stock
Memory: Samsung 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($46.99 @ Newegg Canada) ditto
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($109.79 @ DirectCanada) Primary HDD
Storage: Seagate Barracuda Green 1.5TB 3.5" 5900RPM Internal Hard Drive ($79.99 @ Newegg Canada) Back up for HDD and SSD
Storage: Plextor PX-M3S Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($139.99 @ Newegg Canada) Boot OS / favourite game drive
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 680 2GB Video Card ($559.99 @ Memory Express) Will overclock :)
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DGX 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card ($41.99 @ Newegg Canada) Still don't love onboard sound, may change in the future, but sick of Creative cards
Case: Corsair 600T (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($144.99 @ NCIX)
Power Supply: Corsair 850W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($189.99 @ Newegg Canada) Need more than 750w b/c CPU and GPU overclock plus I hold onto systems for 4-5 years
Optical Drive: Asus BW-12B1ST/BLK/G/AS Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer ($75.98 @ Vuugo)
Total: $2041.01
(Prices include shipping and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-08-09 13:01 EDT-0400)


Blackpulse Admin
CPU: Yeah, I've never overclocked and it's just easier for me.
SSD: Yeah the bios pops up twice and once that is over it is on in literally 3 seconds to desktop no lag.