Start off by buying a home as soon as possible, and paying it off as soon as possible. Be sure get a place with land.
Grow weed for your self and VERY close friends. Just grow enough for you, and some to sell your friends to pay the elc bill. Save money on the weed, and donate plasma to put ectra money in the bank.
Hopefully get a starting job out of college @ 35k(USD), and good benefits.
Make extra money on the side doing small contract or small business computer repair.
Probably live at home for 6 Months to a year to bank some savings in case of a rainy day.
rent to a room mate.
Complete extra CNET/IT industry certifications(business will pay for, and will help you get raises and earn more.
Get hired to better job, hopefully about 55-60k(USD) a year, great benefits again, good hours.
pay off house!!
continue to bank money so that you do not even need to worry about a rainy day.
Continue to save.. continue to save.. continue to save..
get a government job(85k+USD0 that with a pension.
Continue to save.. continue to save.. continue to save..
Continue to save.. continue to save.. continue to save..
Retire earily with a 20 year pension.
Move to florida and rent out my home in Minnesota.
Live out the rest of my days with my wife on the beach of Naples in the warm sun.
Die of something quick and painless. Heart attack while having sex.
Missed by my family and remembered as a good guy.
My life ^^^^