restart CSGO TD pub


TD Member
I was unaware that there is an awp limit in that server.

And to everyone who says they do not have choke on the TD server, do you say that because you keep a close eye on the net_graph and see that it is at 0% all the time or do you say that because you just haven't noticed?

On a different note, has anyone noticed that, on the TD server, you can shoot at someone, stop shooting, take cover, and then get the kill? Like... there is this delay of... maybe 1/4 - 1/2 a second sometimes? I am assuming that that behavior is a result of the choke problem, but I don't know. It only happens when the server is fairly full though.

I'll have to double-check for the limit, that may be another server lolol...

On your second point, yeah this happens to me from time to time, especially during peak hours. This is due to 'late' hit confirmation coming from server to your client. You get used to it after a while lol. It's really funny when you are scouting. One time I scoped in, shot a guy, ran away and after a pause I hear the 'dink' and see the hs confirmation on the hud.


TD Admin
What about a daily server restart? A daily restart at around 5-6PM will help mitigate the issues people are complaining about for a few hours and by the time the problem gets more severe, it will be 11PM, the time people usually leave. Configuring the servers to restart automatically at X PM everyday is not difficult on any platform.

Also, I noticed some other servers down-scaling their player limit from 32 to 30. I think we should do the same, because some maps don't support 32 people and the 2 who have to sit in spec will put unneeded strain on the servers.


I was unaware that there is an awp limit in that server.

And to everyone who says they do not have choke on the TD server, do you say that because you keep a close eye on the net_graph and see that it is at 0% all the time or do you say that because you just haven't noticed?

On a different note, has anyone noticed that, on the TD server, you can shoot at someone, stop shooting, take cover, and then get the kill? Like... there is this delay of... maybe 1/4 - 1/2 a second sometimes? I am assuming that that behavior is a result of the choke problem, but I don't know. It only happens when the server is fairly full though.

I keep an eye on my net_graph and i don't feel any choke when I play; no choke for me. and i have noticed the latter, where people shoot and duck for cover and i end up getting killed.


DARKLY Regular
While the rubber banding was absolutely the worst I had ever seen when I made post #5, I probably overreacted and generalized. There are a variety of factors at work here that are contributing to the perceived "lag" that most of us are experiencing, and I need to do a better job keeping that in mind.


DARKLY Regular
So, I joined the server just now and couldn't get on a team because they were full. So I joined the spectators. It was 15v15 on dust2. As I was watching, things started skipping pretty bad so I spent the next 2 rounds staring at nothing other then the net_graph. During this time, I saw 0% loss constant and ... choke...
At the beginning of the round the choke spikes to 50% as the server respawns everyone and then dies down to 0%. This is pretty normal behaviour (you can see this on pretty much any server). However, once the buy period is over, the choke climbed all the way to 80% (literally) over the course of about 5 seconds and stayed there for another 3-4 seconds before slowly going down to 5% (this took maybe 20 seconds). It stayed at 5% +/- 1% for about 10 seconds before going back up to 20%. This sort of thing continued until half the players were dead at which point the choke finally returned to 0%.
Next round, same story, but this time it returned to 0% much quicker. I noticed that during this round there was a lot of camping and the Ts were waiting in B tunnels for smoke/fire to clear. Since there was very little movement/shooting, the choke was 0%.

After spending several hours playing on different servers today that don't have this sort of problem, I just left the server. There was no way I was going to join the cts/ts while the choke was that bad.

Given all of that, can we PLEASE migrate to the Chicago server? I keep going in there by myself to hopefully generate some interest but it doesn't seem to be working.


DARKLY Regular
My dad had a car once, he used to give it lots of choke then it would start. Maybe the server thinks it a car? Just sayin!


DARKLY Regular
Ok Ok Ok Buckshot. I know this wont alleviate your anger. This one is for you. O Ok Zap it anyway. Lol


I'm New Here
I am also failing to join server right now, but going back to Liqvid's point there is no doubt that my choke goes crazy on the server. Usually when flashes and smoke are going off or a lot of crowding in a certain spot but I have personally hit 40% choke that I have seen. I try to join Chicago server and fill it up but usually fail. :(


DARKLY Regular
It pains me to say this, but I'm going to have to step away from the Toronto server. I've been trying to tolerate it for a while now, but it just keeps getting worse. I can't take it anymore. My ping keeps fluctuating between 35 and 200, and it's EXTREMELY difficult to play consistently due to the lag compensation that CS:GO uses.

I'd be happy to play on the Chicago server, though, and I've tried to get it going along with Roach, Cheez, and others, but people eventually just drop out after a map or two. I'm not sure what it's going to take to establish a regular player base on that server, but I'll continue to do whatever I can to help. The Chicago server runs like a dream. It's like playing a different game.

I've invested approximately 20 hours over the past two weeks playing in a different community competitive server and a free for all deathmatch server (both run by the same people), and those 20 hours have been robust, to say the least. I wish that something could be done for the Toronto Darkly server, but it's out of my hands.