Regarding Tytanium's ban

I might be stepping out of line posting this, but I'd like to say it anyways.

Contrary to what many people would have others believe, people can indeed can make lucky shots and have lucky judgement. I don't consider myself a top player, hell I've played with people that made myself realize I'm barely above average, but I've still put in over 1290 hours of experience into CSS (and many more hours into 1.6 before Steam started tracking play time early 2009). I've been shot in the face through walls and through smoke countless times, and more often then not it's not because the other person was using some sort of assists. I've also sprayed through walls and smoke countless times and got countless kills by that, and yes, some people do pull out the hacker card right after. The reason some people spray like that is because their position is not very secret, and they don't stand to lose much by trying to get a few hits into the smoke or wall.

I can also say that I have been an admin in a 1.6 clan server before, and I realize how frustrating a hacker who is good at hiding it can be to finally catch him in the act. It can drive you insane, constantly seeing a player being almost always in the right spot aiming in the right direction, and sometimes these people are indeed hacking. However, sometimes they just use good judgement and strategy, and just like everyone else, a bit of luck. However, it is when you combine good judgement and strategy with luck that clean players start looking suspicious.

Just yesterday on the server I was called a hacker while doing well. Next map, it was the person who called me a hacker shot and killed me and a teammate through smoke. It's not because he was hacking, but because he used his judgement to spray into it. Likewise with Tytanium's case, there is a good chance I would have done the same as him and shot through the smoke, as would a lot of people, since there were no CT's there and it is a very common spot for T's to be when rushing that bombsite. Whether it's no hits, a kill or 3 kills might have been dependent on luck. Granted, there are just so many times you can excuse a fishy play for luck, and I'm just basing what I say here on the two video's that are posted in his ban topic. The admins here obviously have much more experience then me, and must have seen what Tytanium can do more then me. All I'm asking is to consider how many of his plays have been due to judgement and how many due to luck, with respect to how long he's been playing.

There will always be top players in a server relative to the other players in it. And some of these top players will always be suspected of hacking by the other players, even by other top players. And yes, some of these top players might even be hacking. However, it's also not fair to them to assume that they are, since they too might be enjoying their time on the server and be completely clean. This clan obviously has been doing well for a long time, and I'd love to see it keeping it up well into CSGO, however it's the top players that are often the core regulars that keep the server populated and on top of the server browser, and banning them due to the outcry of players who might not even stay for a week, and due to what might have possibly been luck is detrimental to any server's health.

In short, I do not claim to know if Tytanium is hacking or not. The people who make these calls around here must have a much better idea of this case then me, and I'd just like to see the them make the right call. If you decide to reconsider the ban, great. If you decide that the ban is justified, just as great. If you have already considered everything I've said here before the ban, even better.

By the way, I tried posting this in Tytanium's ban appeal thread, however it does not seem regular members have permission to do so.


TD Admin
constructive input is always appreciated. only the banned person and banning admin is supposed to post in a ban appeal thread. also, there are over 15 pages of discussion over this ban in a members-only section ;)


Future Ban List Occupant
the demo posted by Steve made me laugh so hard... the one without the smoke was like CCTV video of the crime in progress.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I agree with Pyro, constructive input is always valued for sure, so thank you for that.

One thing a lot of people don't know is how much work, time and effort we put into watching, tracking and reviewing people on a regular basis. We don't just do this for TD's top people, we do this for anyone and everyone (YES - it's THAT much work). But hey, when you (you = a LOT of the guys here in TD) put in years building up a solid community, the work just seems like pleasure sometimes :D

Cheers mate!