• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Re found my love

Hello, im sure i posted here before :D but recently found my way back to TD community after falling off the face of the e-world.

Pretty sure some of you remember me from your BC2 servers but id figure i should post here again to kindle im activity here once again :D ill be on your tf2 servers and soon enough bf3 :D

Anyways thought id post here say what up

Troy "Better than clash at sniping" eH


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy


TD Member
Lol good to have you back. One of the guys I loved to snipe against in bc2 good challenge hope to see you again in our bf3 server <3