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R/C car stuff


TD Member
Anyone know a place in the GTA to buy R/C car parts? I found the car I had as a kid and it brought back a torrent of memories of playing with it in my youth. It's a bit tame as a big-boy toy though, I was hoping to upgrade the motor, battery and widen the wheelbase.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
yeah, look up a hobby shop in your area, or just order from online/ebay

i kinda wanna sell my HPI savage 25 gas (methyl alcohol+nitromethane) monster truck, cant find much offroad terrain around here.


TD Member
Thanks DrUgZ, that has been quite helpful. +1 :rockon:

lol 47, a nitro powered R/C car, that seems pretty intense!


TD Member
yea, looking at the gas/nitro stuff that gets pretty expensive. the 1/15th and 1/18th models can go fast as hell on a cheap electric motor but aren't really suited to go off-roading like bigger 1/5th and 1/10th size cars like that Savage.

47, another option you can look at is swapping out the tires and modding the suspension to make your Savage more suited for concrete and asphalt. There are a lot of excellent gravel trails in the region it would probably tear up with that motor, but I'm not sure how the other trail-users would appreciate all the noise while they're on their Sunday morning walk or w/e haha.

edit: almost forgot, I took a pic:


Couldn't find shit about it anywhere on the net, Nikko apparently became Traxxas. As you can probably tell by the colour scheme, my model came from the early 90s when it was considered boss. Came with a NiCad battery in the box, pistol-grip controller and gear selector for high-torque rips or high-rpm racing. Shame there's snow all over the ground now that I just charged the battery up, still gonna try and tape over the stuff that can rust or short and take her for a romp tomorrow. On the plus side, she clearly comes with snow tires fuck yeaaaaaaaa if only my real car had them :(


TD Admin
I built a Lipo helicopter from hobby king for about $150 with 4 batteries and a charger. shits MAD cheap. hard as fuck to fly tho!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
yeah , i got the e-flight blade ex heli. very good controlls, but get raped by the slightest wind. ive completely destroyed the larger heli i had, controls were too gangster.

@sal, i have a road set of low profile tires. world of difference. wanna buy my truck ? :D


TD Member
I'd be tempted if I had the money, as it stands $15 for an electric motor upgrade is all I can really swing.