Purchased an AMD FX6300. Thoughts?


TD Admin
Hey guys. Got a letter in my email about an AMD CPU on sale and it got me thinking. It's about time I upgraded.

I've been using the same AMD 550 for about 4 years now. I did a quick search to find the best value going for my budget and the 6300 looked real nice. Got it for $118 on Amazon US. Considering I have an unlockable 550 I can sell, the final purchase price should be around $80. I think I did good. What you guys think? LOL, rhetorical, I know I did good :D :bitchpleasespy:


P.S. I Kid. Serious thread. What are your thoughts on the AMD purchase?


TD Admin
It's alright, but the performance of the FX6300 is only on par with the 1100T, an AMD processor from the last generation.

Looks like you got a fair deal though. They normally go for 125-130.


TD Admin
Actually, no board being purchased. That's the great thing about AMD. I can install this AM3+ chip in my AM3 790X mobo. I know I'll lose some chip features but that's OK with me. I'm more interested in core performance.


TD Member
You won't just be losing features, you'll be losing core performance as well. I won't say more in case you need your money for other priorities but if you have some disposable cheddar left I would just like to point out a new board will hugely increase your chip's value.