Preorder now a thing of the past?


TD Member
the last game I pre-ordered from a store was NHL 2003, because you got a free NHL themed PS2 controller with it...The controller sucked btw.
Pre-ordering too early may result in sub-par, unfinished final products (such as Diablo 3 releasing without even PvP). As pointed out, it's very easy to get a copy of even the most popular games a week after they are released, so why bother until you know how good it's going to be?
Ive only per-ordered collector's editions, normal copies you get anytime after.

Unfortunately only true hard-core fans will go for this. I would love to pre-order a game I'm looking forward too with an upgrade.

I hope the Digital System doesn't discourage the special/custom editions from being made to save costs. Apparently, money is the motivator factor now and days.


DARKLY Regular
The only game I pre-order is FIFA 12 because it's a console game and I needs me some FIFA fix.

Other than that, I'm a cheap skate who waits for Steam sales cuz I'm welfare like that.


TD Member
I like how when going through this post Postpwned's name and pic lol.

Too much.

I think the last game i bought was minecraft. That was some time ago.
And before that Gauntlet Legends.
Anybody remember that game?