*POST YOUR TEAMS* Scrim Tourney


TD Member
I picked all the teams by 4pm yesterday; kinda like showing up at the beer store 5 hours after they close and expect service. Shit outta luck.

Option A) You convince the rest of keyzers team to drop and replace them.

Option B) You don't like your team keyzer? Drop from tourney. I will replace you with a ringer.

Fact is you shouldn't have left this to the last minute. I designed the tourney for the 8 teams that were posted by my deadline.

when was the last minute? 4:59pm? where did you mention this? u just said 25th. considering the ambiguity i went with the common interpretation jan 25 = before jan 26. i mentioned i would have my guys register and they did. it seems to me if you wanted to draft your teams on the same day as the deadline itself, you preempted yourself with no margin...

neways not up for debating it, the call is yours. i will talk to people and see how i feel about playing the team 'assigned' to me and/or i'll drop.


TD Member
on an unrelated note, the alcoholic control and prohibition in this province which we owe to religious temperance (under the modern guise of supporting health) is complete b.s. thanks jesus but there are many healthy and functioning societies where alcohol is not controlled by the government and thus available after 5pm from your preferred proprietor


TD Member

me, snipe, merk, salv and kush = 5 man team, we're all on your goddamn forum and ready to rock. that leaves 4 other dudes assigned to teams to make a new team, and if i were to drop youd have to pull in a ringer, so just give that ringer to that team (can stay leeroy's dick or whatever)

why not? is it because you dont want an odd number of teams?? if that dont matter, LETS DO EEEET


TD Member
is 44 not letting us in, dude I can get a crayon out and make a new fucking scrim chart or whatever white made LOL.. i can have my 7 yr old cousin help me colour. I am all for 9 teams but someone let me know if I am playing or not. there are too many threads going for this thing and i cant keep up with the latest

ps i run tournaments for a living so i have draws for anything, not for video games of course but it will still apply. so if someone is worried about the work, i have the template already

There was a time and day for the deadline to enter your team. Procrastination or being blind to "too many threads" leads to your complaints? This isn't an issue on chart making, as those were made to physically show players their standings, which can be expanded.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
is 44 not letting us in, dude I can get a crayon out and make a new fucking scrim chart or whatever white made LOL.. i can have my 7 yr old cousin help me colour. I am all for 9 teams but someone let me know if I am playing or not. there are too many threads going for this thing and i cant keep up with the latest

Good for you man. I wonder why you didn't start this one? I don't appreciate your lack of respect for the free time i dedicated for you.

Keyzer and I worked things out last night. He will most likely get to play with his choice team.
As long as I got a team, I'm not worried. I don't care if it's the best or worst team. I'm in the tourney to have fun so whatever works with me!


TD Member
in case its not clear, we have the team assigned by .44 in the original post.

i sent all you guys a PM. i wanted to confirm that you are kool with the team and committed to victory. i've heard back from everyone except danny (ducky - check your inbox). lets pull a ringer to fill in for danny. we can decide details via PM :knockout:


TD Member
I'm dropping out of my team. I apologize to the teammates that have been communicating, but I was looking to take this somewhat seriously and I guess I was wrong.


TD Member
I'm dropping out of my team. I apologize to the teammates that have been communicating, but I was looking to take this somewhat seriously and I guess I was wrong.

This may be harder than it is, scheduling wise, due to people not having each other on "friends" or other forms of communication. I wouldn't totally give up yet :)


DARKLY Regular
I'm dropping out of my team. I apologize to the teammates that have been communicating, but I was looking to take this somewhat seriously and I guess I was wrong.



TD Member
i'm just saying it how it is dude, if the team really does come together then they have a week to still secure a ringer.


A Little Darkly
I'm dropping out of my team. I apologize to the teammates that have been communicating, but I was looking to take this somewhat seriously and I guess I was wrong.

We still have 2 team members that have never even played css and haven't touched a scrim since 1.6. Everyone should be able to beat us even if you aren't practicing :P It's just for fun dude!

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Thanks for dropping salvador, now we know to deny you entry in future tournaments and not waste anymore time.

If you read this Keyzer soze, then can you please get one of your pals to ring? I will find a replacement for your team otherwise. Also I don't think Danny is around anymore so if you can get two more like we discussed before then that would be perfect. message me asap.


TD Member
waste time? you threw me together with a half-formed team, what else was i supposed to do, hold my dick until everyone else gets their shit together the night of the matchup? yeah man it's good fun to be eliminated in the first round because the team is half ringers and couldn't even practice together.

i remember in cal your team got dropped automatically if your roster couldn't be arsed to at least register and confirm their intent, far as i could tell half the team didn't even have a pulse


TD Member
CAL was a league, not a tournament. This was voluntarily organized and a trial run for future tournaments. Your team was organized based on ringer selection originally on a 1st come 1st server basis. CAL has had many years to perfect its league (still had flaws).


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Our team hasn't and probably will not practice once before this tourney.... It's all for fun, why all the drama lol