Possible Changes/Updates for TF2 Server

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TD Member
[quote1253039772=LoW BuDgEt]
Any way we can get team Balance? It's killing the server as people like to team stack half way through a map and make it 16-11


Good call, I've seen it and people don't balance, and it makes people leave. Team Balance is key!

Its on there
You can't call it team balance unless the relative skill levels of the teams are also balanced. You get the 3-5 best players all on one team and it just becomes a slaughter.


TD Admin | Bacon
Prop as of monday night the team balance was not working, and there are no admin commands to swap players. It was brutal last night, its bad enough when its skill Stacked but when the better team has 4 more player people just disconnect.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Alright, here it goes again....

Can we please have the spawn times modified?? A lot of quality TF2 players have been on the server tonight and every round the team pushing the cart can never get it to the end of the map, it just keeps changing over and over again... a lot of people were complaining about it and how it should just be on the default setting...

I think it should be 5 seconds like it is already for the team pushing the cart... and like 10 seconds for the defenders... cause right now it doesn't even matter if you die on defense, which leads to a shit load of pyros who just keep burning everyone pushing the cart and then they get respawned instantly...

A lot of people were having fun regardless but a number of people left because of the spawn times... please can we change it?
respawn times need to be longer. Right now, since red respawns instantly, it is extremely difficult for blu to attack.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Ok i believe the spawn times were extended to 15 for defenders and 10 for offensive team. But now people are complaining that it's too long. thoughts?

Should it be 10 seconds for defense and 5 seconds for offense?


TD Admin | Bacon
Okay something I found out, both teams have the same respawn times


This was set to 10, however there also is the tack on time for deathcam so it comes out to about 15-18 seconds.

I have been changing it to mp_respawnwavetime "3.0&quot:(comes out to about 8-10seconds) with HLSW and people are in favor of this more so then the other one(atleast ingame right now)

IDK what we should have it at for good, but 10 is horrible and everyone is bitching


I'm New Here
Is there a way to set a fixed respawn time? Because at the moment it seems if your getting killed alot, it takes longer and longer to spawn. I just played for 5 mins and red team was getting owned, because we would had to wait 17secs to respawn (+ deathcam time). So our entire team is dead, by the time we spawn 6 blu's are camping our spawn and we all die and have to wait another 17s.
It's shit like that, that kills the server. Not fun getting spawn killed and having to wait for that long just to get spawn killed again.


TD Member
There is no way to do this. Spawn times are set in the map, the only modification s 0 spawn time or set the wave multiplier, which Steve has set to 3 from the default, which is 10.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
It seems like red spawns quicker (on payload maps) when the bomb is at the beginning and then slower when the bomb is reaching the end... is this the case?


TD Admin
Instant Respawn = Bad

5 Second Spawn = Fine


10 Second Spawn = A chance to drink your beer and fart!


TD Admin
It seems like red spawns quicker (on payload maps) when the bomb is at the beginning and then slower when the bomb is reaching the end... is this the case?

That's how it should be. Larger punishment for failure at being clutch.


TD Member
It seems like red spawns quicker (on payload maps) when the bomb is at the beginning and then slower when the bomb is reaching the end... is this the case?

That's correct, and this is set in the map, not via a cvar.

Check here for details http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Respawn_Times


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Respawn times get HUGE at the end, like 15 seconds. Any way this can be changed?

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Respawn times get HUGE at the end, like 15 seconds. Any way this can be changed?

See posts above you.
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