a few people asked me how if it was as good as everyone has been saying so im gonna do a rundown of what i thought.
the story is fun and there are some pretty witty comentary and i did laph quite a few times, however. Portal 1 was harder, by quite a bit.
even little things like now your portals auto align to up so your not comin out of them upside down so placment isnt as important.
There were no times when i got stuck for more than a few secs.
the other downside i see is the game is all set events. where portal 1 was all just rooms. this dosnt add to the difficulty all it dose is pad the game out because you need to wait for things to happen. this is done to further the story however, so in places it adds alot to the hummor or suprise of the game, but its unnecessary and took a game that was maybe twice as long as the first portal and make you spend 3 times the time with it. this dose kill alot of the re playability for me. i did speed runs through the original and got down to about 40mins to beat it. not great but shaving off seconds was fun in that game and i cant do that in this game.
all that being said it has a coop campaign that is supposed to be very good as well and i would recommend the game based on the single player alone.
8 out of 10
the story is fun and there are some pretty witty comentary and i did laph quite a few times, however. Portal 1 was harder, by quite a bit.
even little things like now your portals auto align to up so your not comin out of them upside down so placment isnt as important.
There were no times when i got stuck for more than a few secs.
the other downside i see is the game is all set events. where portal 1 was all just rooms. this dosnt add to the difficulty all it dose is pad the game out because you need to wait for things to happen. this is done to further the story however, so in places it adds alot to the hummor or suprise of the game, but its unnecessary and took a game that was maybe twice as long as the first portal and make you spend 3 times the time with it. this dose kill alot of the re playability for me. i did speed runs through the original and got down to about 40mins to beat it. not great but shaving off seconds was fun in that game and i cant do that in this game.
all that being said it has a coop campaign that is supposed to be very good as well and i would recommend the game based on the single player alone.
8 out of 10