Porn Avatars

Pinkie Pie

A Little Darkly
What about a spray that shows a hot chick in a bikini? Would a spray like that be considered legal by dgn standards?

Bird Of PrAy

A Little Darkly
Sprays are one thing, Bird. They are created with the soul purpose of being used on servers. The avatar of the person your messaged me about was not what you describe it as here. At least, it wasn't when i viewed it. However, you think it's an admins job to also police someone's profile picture when it is THEIR profile. We monitor in-game content on our servers. Chats, scams, sprays, hackers etc... Steam monitors profiles. Ultimately, it's not DARKLY's right to monitor or censor someone's personal Steam profile. That'd be like me walking into someones home and taking down their confederate flag. Steam has that right.

No! Not my confederate flag...dem is fightin' words. Actually I don't have one... but on to the subject at hand. Fiend, I must have directed you to the wrong person if you did not see what I described. I follow rules very well and most of the other server I work as admin in have different rules than I would have, but I enforce them exactly as written. This whole question started because I was told there was not a defined rule for avatar porn images. I didn't come in here start an argument, but more to get a definite answer to what was allowed. What I am seeing is the answer is that there is no definite answer. I spent a considerable amount of time writing that last post in order to get answers to a question I perceived not to be dealt with until now. I am not someone who sits on their backside and does nothing. I get very involved in what I do and put my 100% in to it. I do my best to improve servers for everyone, but it appears I was not taken seriously by most here. I still think DARKLY servers are good, but often lack an admin to control the screamers and others who would disrupt others fun. I was told to be active in the forums, so I was. This is who I am, so it is best people know what I stand for up front rather than find out later and regret having my input later. Unless told to do otherwise, I will continue to hang out in the servers and do my best to help. Most of the time when I am in the DARKLY servers I am already doing the job of an admin, working to watch spy crabs, working as middleman, answering question and doing what I can to keep the peace. I don't mind because I like helping. If I am ever breaking the rules, let me know and I will stop immediately. Hope to see you soon in the servers. Have a great day. Bird

Pinkie Pie

A Little Darkly
No! Not my confederate flag...dem is fightin' words. Actually I don't have one... but on to the subject at hand. Fiend, I must have directed you to the wrong person if you did not see what I described. I follow rules very well and most of the other server I work as admin in have different rules than I would have, but I enforce them exactly as written. This whole question started because I was told there was not a defined rule for avatar porn images. I didn't come in here start an argument, but more to get a definite answer to what was allowed. What I am seeing is the answer is that there is no definite answer. I spent a considerable amount of time writing that last post in order to get answers to a question I perceived not to be dealt with until now. I am not someone who sits on their backside and does nothing. I get very involved in what I do and put my 100% in to it. I do my best to improve servers for everyone, but it appears I was not taken seriously by most here. I still think DARKLY servers are good, but often lack an admin to control the screamers and others who would disrupt others fun. I was told to be active in the forums, so I was. This is who I am, so it is best people know what I stand for up front rather than find out later and regret having my input later. Unless told to do otherwise, I will continue to hang out in the servers and do my best to help. Most of the time when I am in the DARKLY servers I am already doing the job of an admin, working to watch spy crabs, working as middleman, answering question and doing what I can to keep the peace. I don't mind because I like helping. If I am ever breaking the rules, let me know and I will stop immediately. Hope to see you soon in the servers. Have a great day. Bird
Can you summarize what u just said? I want to read a reply not a novel.

Pinkie Pie

A Little Darkly
The question is, would a normal person be offended or disgusted or troubled by what he or she sees in a spray.
Well, that's a tough one. Normally, yes. But since we do have rules emplaced, I would like to confirm if I am allowed to use it to avoid a possible warning or ban.

Fork Included

TD Admin
I would just like to say that i somewhat agree with Bird's point of view.

Last week i lurked on the server for a bit and tehre was a dude with an avatar that had some chick giving head or similar. Granted the avatar was small but you can more or less make it out each time it poped on your screen. I asked him a couple of times through admin controls to change it but he didn't, then left before i could kick him.

While we certainly can't police avatar use, i think as admins we should be aware that it falls under our porn policy and that an attempt should be made each time to inform the user to change the thing.


Senior TF2 Admin
No! Not my confederate flag...dem is fightin' words. Actually I don't have one... but on to the subject at hand. Fiend, I must have directed you to the wrong person if you did not see what I described. I follow rules very well and most of the other server I work as admin in have different rules than I would have, but I enforce them exactly as written. This whole question started because I was told there was not a defined rule for avatar porn images. I didn't come in here start an argument, but more to get a definite answer to what was allowed. What I am seeing is the answer is that there is no definite answer. I spent a considerable amount of time writing that last post in order to get answers to a question I perceived not to be dealt with until now. I am not someone who sits on their backside and does nothing. I get very involved in what I do and put my 100% in to it. I do my best to improve servers for everyone, but it appears I was not taken seriously by most here. I still think DARKLY servers are good, but often lack an admin to control the screamers and others who would disrupt others fun. I was told to be active in the forums, so I was. This is who I am, so it is best people know what I stand for up front rather than find out later and regret having my input later. Unless told to do otherwise, I will continue to hang out in the servers and do my best to help. Most of the time when I am in the DARKLY servers I am already doing the job of an admin, working to watch spy crabs, working as middleman, answering question and doing what I can to keep the peace. I don't mind because I like helping. If I am ever breaking the rules, let me know and I will stop immediately. Hope to see you soon in the servers. Have a great day. Bird

Bird, i didn't see it as an argument. Just a discussion. I take nothing personally from these interactions. When it comes down to it, right now there is no definitive rule and it's left to admin interpretation and judgement.

Pinkie Pie

A Little Darkly
I remember when you hopped on Plaza and every got all hoity over religion and politics and eating rabbits.
Eating rabbits... :l