[poll] Teams


TD Admin
Forcing to auto assign is silly.
I prefer playing as a t not ct. I only play ct if I get auto switch to balance teams.

If you don't care then use the auto option


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
auto assign sounds good to me... that's all I have ever done, forces people to be fair, shouldn't be able to stack the teams too badddd


TD Admin
Like Spinny, I always go auto-assign too, but I voted No simply because a lot of randoms might not like the auto-assign and may leave because of it.
I auto assign all the time, but i dont think people should be forced to do so. People should know stacking is dumb. Let auto team balance do the job lol


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Let auto team balance do the job lol

auto balance is screwed to hell lol.... I've seen so it so many times in the last few weeks where it just makes the teams even more unfair, or it makes more players on one team than the other.... auto balance can not be trusted :P there must be a better version of it or something!


TD Member
i think most people are smart enough here to help out the other team-thought there are a few stackers >.< .
no auto-assign IMO

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Like Spinny, I always go auto-assign too, but I voted No simply because a lot of randoms might not like the auto-assign and may leave because of it.

I voted yes, but you do make a good point.

Believe or not, a lot of people aren't smart enough and just choose to stack.


TD Admin
If I like a side better then the other one doesn't mean you stack a team. I join ct and don't complain about it if I have to ...

I don't like random stuff when you have the option to choose.

I don't see the point of this vote to be honest. You have the option to auto ... so do it if you want, don't force everyone just because you like it.


I'm New Here
the Point of this vote is to see whether or not there is an alternative to ETB, ATB...because there have been a couple of complaints about it.... its not because i like it, its so that the teams are balanced...because there cud be a lot more ppl like you 35 who prefer the T side who are skilled. which inevitably leads to a stack...


TD Admin
I understand why you ask this but ...

Auto assigning for sure is NOT an alternative.
You will lose players if you enforce it.
And even if by any chance it will work ... that does not mean that the auto assigning will guarantee the teams are balanced. I could just wait until CT has 1 player more then T and auto. Or there is the big possibility that people with good skills could get auto assigned in the same team anyway. Auto assigning doesn't calculate anything ...

I don't prefer T side because T are more skilled ... a lot of times Ts are raped. And I do play as CT if I am auto switched.

The problem is not on what team you play is on the actual auto balance. I think ETB is quite fcked up ... what we had on the old place was working OK (not the best, but OK). We never had the problem of 10 players vs 3!? As a matter of fact you could not stack a team because the number should of bean equal or just 1 plus.

I think that a combo between ETB and ATB will work wonders (if this is possible). We need something that calculates the skill of the players and number in the same time and for sure just auto assigning is not the answer (or at least that's my opinion).


TD Member
I think that a combo between ETB and ATB will work wonders (if this is possible). We need something that calculates the skill of the players and number in the same time and for sure just auto assigning is not the answer (or at least that's my opinion).

There is no perfect solution to this issue. 10 VS 3? Not likely. That being said I realize at times it's gets a little iffy. I will look into the config further to make it more fair.
I agree with you 35, auto-assign will not solve team stacking. That's completely random. As Prop said, there are many settings in the ETB that have not been explored yet, one of them is max player differential.

The other thing is, we can't just depend on software to do this for us. We have perfectly good brains that work way better then software ever will and our Admins (myself included) need to step up once in awhile and switch some players around. I honestly forget to do this, or get caught up in the fight and get determined to &quot;win&quot; no matter what odds or what up hill battle I'm facing.

Last night for example, the GT's were often together on one team (always the easy side) and on Kismayo, there were at least 2 GT's and Steve, with 2 AWPS. Now that's when I should have stepped up and moved someone around. I've got to get it in my head that that's not &quot;cheating&quot;, just being fair.

I will try harder to keep that in my head and remind our Admins too.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
We will tweak the ETB settings, but admins have to do their part as well. ETB is there to assist us admins in balancing teams. If you're an admin and you see the teams being unbalanced, please do it right and balance teams.


TD Member
at the same time i hate constantly getting switched like a slut bag. the best solution is monitor it ourselves. thats why we have soo many admins.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
bucky good call.
and i vote no because ONLY REASON - i want to play along side my bro... there's no more fun than pulling sick back-up-eachother-coming-back-from-7-2 to win the round, or just taking out a few, holding something down... it's so dirty.. tactical. good word. +1 buckshot jr, +1 my friend