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[poll] Killing Floor [looks awesome]

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TD Admin
i pre-purchased it a few days ago.
Basically Its a Survival-Horror Game where you and 5 other people (Bots or friends) need to wipe out wave after wave of zombie-clone abominations.
It looks sweet and even after just watching the trailer i was sold on it,
Mainly cuz its only 15 Bucks. it jumps up to 20 after it comes out on thursday.
if you havent heard anything about it, its a Game based on a UT2K4 mod that was a big hit on ModDb.com. i think it looks crazy, and if you havent bought Left 4 Dead yet i would consider trying this one.

One thing they dont mention in the video is the ability to weld doors shut and create barricades to help your buddies hold off attacks.
if you dont like it then move along but if you're interested, buy it now while the price is low.
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