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[poll] Hacker or no?

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TD Member
http://www.torontodarkly.ca/vid/hax2.avi <---right click and save needs divx to watch

Wondering how much the average player knows what a hack looks like, watch the vid, note the last shot on the dying first kill is head, then immediate head on the second kill, the photos actually gives the benefit of the doubt, the head snaps back on the second kill while the crosshairs are still on the first kill, it just takes a couple frames to show the blood. So you decide, hacker?


TD Admin | Bacon
hard to base whether someone hacks on 2 shots and about 10 seconds of clip... I've done/seen stuff like that done before legitly...however not often..

now from the experience with hacks ive had in the past, all the esp/aimbot combos i've used in the past have had Snap-To-then-shoot aimbots, where the hack would instantly go straight to the head(or what ever it is set to, stomach shoulder etc), then fire milliseconds after. Isn't it beyond the script/coding of aimbots to shoot Then direct the bullets to the target? Doesn't css run instantaneance fire, by which I mean the second you fire, it hits where ever fired?(as appose to games like battlefield, or halo where the bullets have travel time?) Which would mean a cheat cant redirect where the bullets go, just where the aim goes?

now maybe it is a snap-to-then-shoot aimbot and HLTV/Demo just doesnt pick it up very well because of the speed of the script?

no vote from me, way to hard to judge hacks based on 5 seconds of iffy shit.

The &quot;amazing no cross hair near the CTs head&quot; would point more towards CSS game fluke then cheats over all though imo.

and did this happen on TD?


TD Admin
I've done something like that many times...but maybe not at the distance where the two guys killed were spread apart. When there are 2 enemies coming at me and i have AK, i can get an HS kill on the first and the 2nd somewhat directly behind the 1st gets a recoiled bullet HS.

In this case, the first dude is on a different level while the second guy is way up on the 2nd level approaching and receives a 'recoil' bullet to the head before the player even takes aim at him...

I dunno, tough call. I would say hack if he pulls it off every round and has a ridiculous KDR.

Just my noob opinion tho


TD Member
now from the experience with hacks ive had in the past, all the esp/aimbot combos i've used in the past have had Snap-To-then-shoot aimbots, where the hack would instantly go straight to the head(or what ever it is set to, stomach shoulder etc), then fire milliseconds after. Isn't it beyond the script/coding of aimbots to shoot Then direct the bullets to the target?

Yes the crosshairs go to the players head on the aimbot however it's possible that it happens so quickly that it's not picked up on the demo, essentially the bullet hits where the crosshair is but it can happen between frames and you will never actually see the crosshair on the victim. Keep in mind you can actually move the crosshairs to the dead body when that headshot occurs, the head is hit and it takes a frame to actually show the blood spatter, if you watch the slow motion closely the crosshairs are on the 1st kill when the second headshot actually occurs. Do you think recoil on an ak at that distance can travel that far, from the first kill directly to the second kill? Not likely.


TD Admin | Bacon
Not likely, but css is known to be random as fuck. Which is why I would never make a call on hacks over 5 seconds of play, but yeah this guy was probably hacking.


TD Member
Ok here's a screen of the 2nd frame after the actual hit to the head on the 2nd kill, recoil? At that distance?[br][link={e_FILE}public/1225956285_4_FT5782_image1.jpg][img:width=120&height=75]{e_FILE}public/1225956285_4_FT5782_image1_.jpg[/img][/link][br]
Random or recoil or w/e is not possible at that distance. What it looks like to me, is the 2nd ct walked into range of the guy's autoshoot and in a 1/100th of a sec the bot moves crosshairs, fires and releases control to player. We don't even see it b/c it happens between frames. The kill is still registered. The player does a good job trying to cover it up, by quickly moving to 2nd ct with his control of CHs but the target is dead already.
No way is this some random shot or some recoil HS. Like Taco said, if the 2 ct's were closure, then maybe, but they are on diff levels and way too far apart. The 2nd ct was autoshot, it's clear as day.
Recoil would never be that large at that distance, SourceTV or self demo would more than likely show what's going on between those *missed* frames, source is messed up but not to that degree. In other words you need more info to be 100% sure it's aimbot, from what you see it does look like though.


TD Admin | Bacon
Ok here's a screen of the 2nd frame after the actual hit to the head on the 2nd kill, recoil? At that distance?[br][link={e_FILE}public/1225956285_4_FT5782_image1.jpg][img:width=120&height=75]{e_FILE}public/1225956285_4_FT5782_image1_.jpg[/img][/link][br]

yeah the cross hair is way to far for it to be recoil or random spray. mostlikely its a 33tick or 66 tick demo that couldnt keep up with the aimbot?


TD Member
[quote1225987391=TD|night blade]
Recoil would never be that large at that distance, SourceTV or self demo would more than likely show what's going on between those *missed* frames, source is messed up but not to that degree. In other words you need more info to be 100% sure it's aimbot, from what you see it does look like though.

That is a source tv demo.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Like Steve said, CSS is random as fuck and I would have to see the guy pull that off more than once to get suspicious.

If I had to choose tho, i would say aimbot, because the recoil doesnt usually spread that far.
[quote1225987391=TD|night blade]
Recoil would never be that large at that distance, SourceTV or self demo would more than likely show what's going on between those *missed* frames, source is messed up but not to that degree. In other words you need more info to be 100% sure it's aimbot, from what you see it does look like though.

That is a source tv demo.

Well then that changes things, aimbot for sure.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
hard to tell from the short clip. Source is as random as the AK's spray...

1 ) We all know you make the first few shots with an AK, then drag CH's down to keep the recoiled bullets somewhere near the head/chest.

2 ) With 1 being said, look where his CH's are when the 2nd player dies. Nowhere near -> he's still on the first victim.

3 ) Recoil (for me, anyone with more knowlesdge care to input some love here???) has never gone THAT far (and AK is by far among the most random), let alone WAY left, and UP a level.

4) Once you begin spraying with the AK, even if you DO turn towards a new target, the spray won't join you for a few bullets (albeit a fast firing rate) -> It's NOT a laser beam.

5) With 4 being said, the very first bullet of his &quot;turning spray&quot; hits a target THAT far left, and a level UP -> HIGHLY unlikely, damn near impossible... Maybe an M4's spray, because it's more a 'stream' of bullets...

Conclusion: Hard to judge because we all feel bad judging on such a short clip = Hax. I have to say. Given the evidence, I call hax - based on this evidence alone.. i'd love to watch him more


TD Member
lol, anythings possible in this game, recoil would be maxxed out in that case cause hes moving shooting and turning, Sorta looks like a crazy luck shot to me, hard to say its a hack or not. I've had crazy shots like that before when someone dies in the background and u don't even think it was u who killed him when it was.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
yeah that is a crazy ass shot.... you said this was a Source TV demo?? Does that mean it came from our server??

and yes, it is a crazy ass shot but that shit happens in CS, especially since he was running and shooting = bullets can go all over the place.... can't call a hack though for a 5 second clip... like the others said, need a lot more evidence aka longer clip to tell for sure....

vinny paz

TD Admin
i was always under the impression that the hack would auto move the crosshairs to the target, not the bullet. This shot looks like another bs lucky shot to me. This sort of thing happens all the time.
[quote1227210347=vinny paz]
i was always under the impression that the hack would auto move the crosshairs to the target, not the bullet. This shot looks like another bs lucky shot to me. This sort of thing happens all the time.

I'm still working out the physics of how fast (fps) SourceTV records, how many frames happened between the 1st kill and the 2nd kill and what is our consensus on how fast is human reflex time (in milliseconds). This is NOT some gay shot from Source, the distance is just too great. The full demo does show the crosshair coming within shooting distance of 2nd kill, but how fast is the question!!! Is it reasonable for someone to kill 2 people over 15 side-ways apart in, say, 50ms? That means register the first kill in his brain, conscientiously move CH to 2nd target, adjust for accuracy, pull trigger, kill target in a 1B HS?

There is more to fluffing off this demo, then just, &quot;ahh that happens all the time in CSS&quot;
My answer to that statement; &quot;ya, b/c so many mofos are using an aimbots&quot;


TD Admin
I doubt it is hacks unless this sorta kill happens often and consistently. Are there any more demos of this guy hacking throughout the other rounds/maps? SourceTV should have it right?

I know there is this whole 'toggling' business too, but I honestly doubt a hacker is going to toggle once for an extra kill every now and then to 'stay under the radar'. That would be stupid and pointless. If this player shows more than just this one incident of getting a shot like that, maybe it would be worth looking into further. If there is no more, then I think it was a decent attempt at keepin the server clean, but a wasted effort.

Let's face it, everyone DOES get those lucky bs headshots often. Almost every time we play a map we'll have those. You, me, Kirock, LB, Buck, Bman, vinny, etc. The list goes on. Is it not possible to get a demo of anyone of us with a similar situation and have hacks called on us? I'm sure u could find something like this demo on me too. You won't find it happening consistently and deliberately though because it isn't hacks. It's just a BS lucky headshot.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
after reviewing this demo again and again and again (because I want to know dammit!), both slow-speed and normal speed and just about every speed in-between (literally, I spent tiiiiiime cause I was bored and wanted to play with demos)... the player's crosshairs are definately within range for a recoil shot. This isn't hacks man, it's Source...

/25 cents... keep the change
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