......... The AK recoil algorithm makes this impossible. Furthermore this is a server side demo, there is no lag whatsoever, it's plugged in directly.
Yes, I've come to the conclusion that, tic rate in demo is tic rate in server. How can it be anything else? In it's basic form, 100 tic means 100 FPS, or 1/100 or 0.01 seconds every one tic, to each player that has the right settings. However, STV doesn't care if the client has the right settings, it records tic for tic.(i.e. look up why some clients don't see the advantage of the full 100 tics)
So with that being said, the physics becomes, how many tics between Kill #1 registration (CSS message) and kill #2, NOT including the tics that happen when the shooter's mind has still NOT registered the kill! (i.e. How many tics and bullets go on after the 1st kill is CSS registered?)
I did this analysis already. You know what happens? 47 tics occur after the immediate posting of the 1st kill, that's 0.01X47=0.47sec later, BEFORE the shooter BEGINS to turn towards 2nd target.
Let's go back:
You know what happens in that 0.47 secs after the 1st kill is registered in CSS (message post)? The shooter continues to put another 4-5 bullets in this dead guy before his brain reacts and begins to turn toward 2nd target. That's 0.47 sec AFTER target #1 is dead!
Now what happens? In 7 tics, his CH moves over 10 ft to the left, acquires target, shoots and kills. That's 7ms! Compare that to his time shooting the dead guy for 470ms!
What happened here? I'll tell you what happened here, an aimbot happened here, that's what.
This IS what aimbots do, they move WAY faster then human speed and tic rates are the ONLY way to catch them. This snippet of a round is thus still CONCLUSIVE.
Edit: typos and some stupid wording.