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[poll] Graphics section?


TD Member
how about a dedicated section in the forums for sharing banners, sigs, logos, buttons, animations, textures, etc?


TD Admin
you mean counter strike/tf2 stuff? or design stuff?
if design ... kind of hard since this is not a design forum lol


TD Member
or we could just sticky a topic "creative work sharing" in the mapping area, for us 10 or 11 creative types on td to share work.


TD Member
im down i have about 100gigs if HD or 2K texture files. and a decent model library all in *.obj formate no idea how to unpack them for hammer tho


TD Admin
im down i have about 100gigs if HD or 2K texture files. and a decent model library all in *.obj formate no idea how to unpack them for hammer tho

100GBs? Damn that's a lot of texture files. I only have ~80GBs of pr0n, and I mean, that's a lotta pr0n