[poll] de__3rd Street


TD Admin
Sure, even though I don't know what that is. :)
Its a map based in a city that has a ct spawn thats big enough for 5 that has 15 guys. So every round you start out jumping over team mates heads for 15 seconds. Then as a T you can optionally get killed by an elevator in the 3/4's of the map that is out of any conflict zone, (no ct's can get there really) so its basically useless. Other than that you have two really small bomb sites with no cover where the game is actually "played" even though it just takes a single flash from the terrorists to clear out either one.

Oh, and there's a train. The only good thing about the map. Except that it stops any real terrorist team work because it comes through in the middle of your rush. Basically it's a huge pain in the dick.

I've had fun playing it in the past, but I certainly don't miss it.


TD Admin
third street is a map that is hella fun to play when the whole team is drinking and having a good time.
And yeah sometimes you die in the elevator but its a reaaaally fun map. and its night time outside!
and you can plant in a playground!
all the other bomb sites on all the other maps are just boring rooms. at least this one has somethin going on.
AND the interactive train!
with the train and the elevator it gives two elements of the unknown where usually every round theres a good "world death"

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
If you throw a flash/smoke in front of the train, it gets stuck....ct spawn is fucked...it can be a fun map, but too many problems with it.



TD Admin / Giant Faggot
you old guys are just worried about being hit by the train :P ... can't cross the tracks in time, your bones are too brittle :P


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
we had 4th before, it was so-so. 3rd is fun, fucking urban warfare ! even with all the fuck ups, i still like it

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
It's not such a great map when it takes you 10-15 seconds to get out of CT spawn. It's so T sided. It doesn't need a fix, it needs a whole new makeover.
Nonetheless, i still enjoyed playing on it every now and then when it was in the rotation.


TD Member

Negative. I will not put this on the server, we have been through this a few times. This map is AIDS. If someone wants to fix it go over to interlopers the guy released the vmf files for his maps.