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[poll] Basements or Attics


TD Member
LOL thats a scary fucking attic and 68 its a combination of the power of sugestion and humans have arcityple ideas of whats crepy to us as well as emotinal states. an examply of this is children who are born blind still know to smile when they are happy. if you ask 20 people to draw a man most of them will draw a very similer man. so when people all over the world say they saw the same group of children they prolly did but it was all in there mind.

another example.
under the theorys tab it explains what i just tried to alot better.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
attics are just fuckin filthy. im more scared of attics because im afraid of getting the fucking bubonic plague from the dead rats !

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
nightmares become reality when i find these things scurrying about the house.



TD Member
why. why on earth would you post that?
i'm going to have to quarantine my room now.

yeah cmon man, you broke the web page with that massive ass image
Found one of those ugly things crawling up my wall in front of my desk not too long ago. Never been so freaked out in my life.. especially when I tried to vacuum it and it scurried off. I got one of my friends to come rescue me :)


TD Admin
Centipedes are common arthropods with long, flattened, segmented bodies with one pair of legs per segment. The house centipede is up to 1 1/2 inches long and has 15 pairs of very long, slender legs. Each leg is encircled by dark and white bands. The body is brown to grayish-yellow and has three dark stripes on top.

Though house centipedes are found both indoors and outdoors it is the occasional one on the bathroom or bedroom wall, or the one accidentally trapped in the bathtub, sink, or lavatory that causes the most concern. However, these locations are not where they normally originate. Centipedes prefer to live in damp portions of basements, closets, bathrooms, unexcavated areas under the house and beneath the bark of firewood stored indoors. They do not come up through the drain pipes.

House centipedes feed on small insects, insect larvae, and on spiders. Thus they are beneficial, though most homeowners take a different point-of-view and consider them a nuisance. Technically, the house centipede could bite, but it is considered harmless to people.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Centipedes are common arthropods with long, flattened, segmented bodies with one pair of legs per segment. The house centipede is up to 1 1/2 inches long and has 15 pairs of very long, slender legs. Each leg is encircled by dark and white bands. The body is brown to grayish-yellow and has three dark stripes on top.

Though house centipedes are found both indoors and outdoors it is the occasional one on the bathroom or bedroom wall, or the one accidentally trapped in the bathtub, sink, or lavatory that causes the most concern. However, these locations are not where they normally originate. Centipedes prefer to live in damp portions of basements, closets, bathrooms, unexcavated areas under the house and beneath the bark of firewood stored indoors. They do not come up through the drain pipes.

House centipedes feed on small insects, insect larvae, and on spiders. Thus they are beneficial, though most homeowners take a different point-of-view and consider them a nuisance. Technically, the house centipede could bite, but it is considered harmless to people.

Yes, but within Fraggle Rock lives a second species of small humanoid creatures, the pudgy, green, ant-like Doozers. Standing only 6 inches (150 mm) tall (knee-high to a Fraggle), Doozers in a sense represent anti-Fraggles; their lives are dedicated to work and industry. Doozers spend much of their time busily constructing all manner of scaffolding throughout Fraggle Rock using miniature construction equipment and wearing hard-hats and work boots. No one but the Doozers themselves seem to understand the actual purpose of their intricate and beautiful constructions.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
ive seen some huuuuuuge ones in and around my house. those fuckers come around a certain time of the year. ive declared war on them and kill on sight.


TD Admin
basements are scarier. im afraid of a giant rat crawling on a pipe in the basement and u hear it scuttling along and then it squeaks and falls on your head.
We all know basements are better, thats where you keep them until..

What I meant to say was basements are good for luring..

FUCK, I mean.. basements are fun places