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Pit Bulls


TD Member
pit bulls kind of scare me.... and really big dogs. terrifying.
dont bring big dogs around me. im a cat person.

even though i hate my cat....

sometimes i dont though....

i think any breed that has the potential to hurt some one should have regulation of the owners i think training for the owners should be mandatory ( i own a 100 lb boxer ) its not the dog its the owner but outlawing one dog only sends the cruel owners to another breed


Staff member
A 100lb dog no matter what bread will have issues. I know a pure golden retreiver and she's 120lbs. the dog jumped up on someone and broke their leg. So big dogs as a whole need special care.

All dog can be nasty even the really sweet ones.
Personally I think the law is stupid waist of money.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
pit bulls are a pretty awesome breed of dog, i would consider one for a pet, but especially rottis, german sheppards, dobermans, these are designed to fuck up a human.

the owner of an animal is strictly liable for whatever it does, sooooooo, maybe force insurance on all dog owners? a little toy poodle gets a lower rate then some asshole who wants two German Sheppards in the neighborhood to protect his drug business.

its really not right that some ghetto motherfucker is allowed to be responsible for these animals and yet have no money or means to fix the damage they are fully capable of doing to someone if/when it occurs.


2012 Troll of the Year
I think the dog owner needs a license, not the dog. You can have small little nasty little dogs, or big dopey fun big dogs. All dogs get angry, and all dogs can and will bite. The difference is, if a pitbull bites you, you know it. There isn't anything particularly mean in the species, its been bred out.

What has been bred IN on the other hand, as trash people raising massive dogs in little cooked up apartments, not feeding them properly, not taking them for runs, and not know how to raise a dog.

you shouldn't be beating your dog with a stick when its a puppy. So yeah, license ethe fucking dog owners before the dogs.

*side note: We bred and raised dogs growing up, mostly cockers, never pitbulls, but the fundamentals are all the same.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I say make it law to neuter and spay all Pitbulls, rotties, etc. Too much shit has gone down with them. I know it's the owners fault for raising them wrong, but still they have the potential to eat children. If you raise a little bitch dog wrong the most it can do is bite you before you get it under control.

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
german shepards bite more people then pit bulls and are worse. I can make any dog meaner then a pit. Pits are great with people and babys.


TD Member
no they're just like any other dog if you raise them right

I am an advocate for pitbulls, i have owned 2 and to tell you the truth as a pure breed they are as smart if not more smart than any retriever or other hunting dog. they are very emotional and demand to be treated like a person. i have watched on countless occasions were a small child has grabbed a handfull o' nuts and went to wrenching as the dog winces but will not show any aggression twards children. this is a very admirable and noble trait. not only to be passive with a child but will die protecting a child. and when raised in the hierarchy they are awesome family members.

It is the rat bastard dog fighters and numb nut idiots who abuse the dogs or don't raise them as a member of the family who is to blame for the dog's bad reputation.

I proudly sport my first pitt's paw prints tattooed on my left arm as a memorial to to our untimely parting.




TD Member

shit, I bite more people than your average dogs. Well, lady people. *purrs*
if youre purring... then youre a cat?



I know they're so friendly


TD Member
It's not the dog, it's the pseudo gangster biker drug dealer tough guys clinging on to the few brain cells they have left that should be fucking shot and buried.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
It's not the dog, it's the pseudo gangster biker drug dealer tough guys clinging on to the few brain cells they have left that should be fucking shot and buried.

AMEN! public lynching just like in Iran


Staff member
It's not the dog, it's the pseudo gangster biker drug dealer tough guys clinging on to the few brain cells they have left that should be fucking shot and buried.



TD Admin
Agreed. I have seen a lot of Pit Bulls badly treated and I swear some of the owners deserve to be caged. Beautiful animals and smart. They are top of the list next to my favorites: German Sheppard.

And as a formal dog-trainer, I can say that a dog will be what you want him to be. Is not the dog to blame, is the human.