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Pit Bulls


TD Admin
I've known many people with pitbulls, and 100% of them were really great around people. friendly and social, and extremely obedient, but there were 3 of them that just wanted to destroy any small animal they saw. mostly other dogs. they are a very dominant and fearless breed, and can easily be dangerous in the wrong hands.


Professional Cocksucker
Any dog that isnt socialized with people or other animals at a young age will have problems later on. Like others have said above me, its all about the owners and how they raise their dog.

Off topic: German Shepherds are great dogs. I personally never owned one myself since my father does not like animals in the house but ive seen and been around my buddy's every since it was a pup. His German Shepherd defends the house and the people it knows like its nobody's busieness.
you know, i have always wanted to duke it out with a pit bull, considering their reputation. but then again, i have always wanted to duke it out with a mountain lion, so i guess i am a bit odd.


TD Admin
It's the damn owner(s). Sadly, a lot of people who own pitbulls get them for their aggressive look and proceed to abuse them and turn them into violent animals. This can happen to any breed if you abuse them enough and team them to be aggressive. I have 2 big dogs myself and they're both goofy and loveable...like me ;)