Pirate Xbox 360 games

.44 caliber

TD Admin
So basically I want to know if it is possible without modding my xbox. I really dont wanna pay for games but I also dont wanna get banned from xbox live so does anyone know anything sweet?

I know that I can download torrents of .iso files to my hearts content but I won't bother if I can't use them. I currently have my xbox linked to my pc so I can file share between them (LAN) using windows media center.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
no idea 44, spinny haxed his xbox, and got ban'd


TD Admin
you can hack your box, but you gotta stay offline when you play burned games, AKA Singleplayer / Local Multipalyer only.

From what i understand is, you get flagged when you go online with a burned game. in Feb or March all the flagged players are going to be banned.

i havent heard of a way to do it without flashing the xbox.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
thx for the input, guess i will just pick and choose certain choice games. Doubles as my dvd player right now so no biggy really.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Just mod it, I got a guy to do it for $40, so did Arch and a couple other buddies...

I got banned after a year of playing free games online, it will happen eventually, it is inevitable... I was always very careful and ran my ISO's through ABGX (verifying database), and never played any games before they were released in stores... but there are still ways for them to find out (nobody knows how exactly)...

It was well worth it in my books... You can pay like $150 for a new arcade 360 these days, and you can still use the HDD and you just have to transfer your account to the new system and your up and running again....

Then you will have a 360 that is banned, which you can still play 1 player games with or local multiplayer, you can watch dvd's, etc...

and then just buy a new one and either buy the multiplayer games, or just mod it again and start the process all over again :P

but in a year, I played more than 3 games, which would be the equivalent of a new 360, so I think it is still well worth it... you can even sell the banned 360 online to suckers and/or people who don't care to go online...


TD Admin
Microsoft does ban 'waves' which is why it's hard to pinpoint what is catching people with modded firmware.

Currently, if you're running C4EVA's latest lt FW it's safe online if you check your iso's with ABGX like spinny mentioned.

$40 to mod firmware is retarded, I've modded mine and about 10 of my friend's for free.

IMO, get a PS3 for online and get a JTAG 360 for offline, you can run games off a USB HDD and emulators :)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
.44 youtube how to take apart an xbox, its easy, real easy.

Hook up the dvd drive's data connection to your pc's sata, while leaving the power connection to the 360 (becaise its a custom power connection) to power it.

Easily obtainable software will source original nonsense from stock dvd drive, and merge it with hacked nonsense to play free nonsense. The program then replaces the dvd drive's old nonsense with the newly mixed-up, hacked nonsense and voila. Once the process is known, flashing nonsense takes you 10 real time minutes.

If you're like me and think paying for online is an insult and joke, then just download games, burn (google for proper process, it'll save you wasted dvd+r dl disks which are not cheap) and play.
however if you wanna stay online (lol sucker) then as spinny said, run the .iso through the latest ABGX (a nonsense checker that checks for bullshit nonsense. wtf?2), THEN burn.

Pm me if you have questions about nonsense.


TD Admin
i have a modded xbox. the serial got banned cause i started palying resident evil 5 before it came out and forgot to unplug internet ~_~

the second i went online my messages got flooded with "WTF HOW ARE YOU PLAYING THAT?!?!?!" the next day my serial was banned from xbl.

Now that box sits in my closet cause it doesnt read discs. I plan on fixing it eventually.

But anyway, it all depends on what modle ur box is whether or not u can softmod or if you have to hard mod it. I used jungleflash+sata cable+wire cutters. I had a buddy who knew what he was doin help me out.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
The key to not getting your xbox banned is to only play games that have the stealth patch. If you play a game online and whoever burn it did not apply the stealth patch and verify it on the dvd, you will get snatched. If the stealth patch is there, game on. But then again, if you don't play online then it doesn't matter, but make sure you are not signed in while playing non stealth games. There is a site that teaches you how to do the whole thing and also provides torrents (http://www.xbox360iso.com/). You can download the games there and the stealth patch and the app to check for the patch.
If you don't want to flash the xbox yourself, people charge like 50 bucks to do it for you. Look up on kijiji and you will find people who do just that.
Although i havent played my xbox since February, my xbox never got banned and i have tons of games.