• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Pilz-E noob -,-


I'm New Here
Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new at csgo, I came here to get a ban removed for tking by mistake. I didn't know ff was on cause I played mainly in ZoD cs 1.6 server with ff off. Now I'm settling for a server in CSGO closer to home, yours. I'm ex-staff and still paying admin in ZoD CS 1.6 but I'm thinking of moving into Darkly community.

So here's a little about me, I'm 36, work three jobs and do some volunteer work at a food shelter. I've never cheated at a game online and follow every rule while playing, I'm a friendly guy tho I get a little crazy once in a while(booze) xD. Generally people count on me for being a fair and nice person.

I'll be happy to get to know you all soon,
Cya around,



TD Admin
I tried being normal once. I didn't like it. Anyway, welcome to the forums/servers PIlz-E. Cya ingame.