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PC Load Letter


TD Member
Anybody here work in an office and have office space experiences where you just want to take your piece of shitty equipment and smash it to pieces because it doesn't work when you need it to work most.

I find myself everyday wanting to punch this old shitty printer that only works with a DOS program we use to manage our clients. Fuckin' Ragin' on the daily.

PC Load Letter WTF does that even mean!


DOS? Haha, I thought that was retired before I turned ten. Sucks for you.

Trying to run PS on a computer with only 512 RAM and a 2.1 GHz monocore when I have to do 300 dpi 6 foot by 4 foot posters? Yeah. That's. Fun. It would take ten minutes to scroll a foot.

Shotgun gets raped at the office, that's why he doesn't like to talk about it.