Path of Exile (open Beta)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i got it

free to play. not pay to win. has epic skill tree.




TD Admin
The games not that bad, some changes needed but really fun with friends. The skill tree is amazing huge.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
played 1st pvp, mad under-leveled, WON ! :somuchwin:


TD Admin
Game is pretty good, looks decent too for a F2P game. Better than D3 for sure, another point for indie developers trumping Multi-million-dollar ones.

Some 'lag' with the combat but not sure if gfx settings or game mechanics

Who's playing this now? I have a lvl 25 marauder which plays like a barb from D3. Not a bad lil game-break-from-game


TD Admin
I play Witch lvl 20 I think or lower, currently working on a assignment will check later. on act 2 though in the western forest or somewhere


TD Admin / Wanker
I'm the kind of person that would spend hours agonising over that huge ass skill tree though ;_;