Paintball Gun - Piranha G3


Future Ban List Occupant
If you are in the market for a marker, let me know and I will send you a link to my kijiji ad.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
k post up the link i'll check it out, im looking for a marker, and more importantly a mask.


TD Admin
I had the original piranha, where the front grip was the air, and a front grip, or bottom line hose was a "mod", i later had an STS, and then i played with a buddy who had a decked out eblade autococker, and a chipped bob long defiant.

takes me back... good luck with sale, my piranha STS was fun, and reliable. PMI's Flush cocking didn't exist then, the STS had a beaver tail, and the original piranha,the cocking handle sometimes would clip you in the face, and chop, or double feed.


TD Admin
go pump or go home. i <3 my sterling. auto's just take the fun out of it, although it is much more gratifying domeing someone who can shoot 500 times more balls than you can.


Future Ban List Occupant
a pump LOL you are like the kid from walmart who shows up... no idea what you are getting yourself into hahaha. more reason to play against you at wasaga or somewhere - by the time you get a pump off i will have coated the trees around you :)