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Good luck with it! I tried it out last summer and it wasn't easy that's for sure. The first 4 weeks are the hardest but it gets better after that :)


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
pmall for rice cookers. looking at 100, but thats for like 10 cups....

Thinking about doing something like the p90x but then i keep imagining 35 killing me with it......

btw which college you at?


TD Member
just finished plyometrics today, its week 3 and im definitly noticing a difference. mainly in the way i feel. I didnt have to pause the video once.

I'm a TANK!

but i still cant wait till rest week =[

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I just lay my bitch down and p90 her butthole the same way 35mm does a group of t's when he rushes tunnels on templepro. BOO-YA that bumbaclat!


TD Admin
just finished plyometrics today, its week 3 and im definitly noticing a difference. mainly in the way i feel. I didnt have to pause the video once.

I'm a TANK!

but i still cant wait till rest week =[

LOL @ "Rest Week"...there *is* no rest week. Core Synergistics is tough too


TD Admin | Bacon
[quote1265823892=OG buckshot jr]
I just lay my bitch down and p90 her butthole the same way 35mm does a group of t's when he rushes tunnels on templepro. BOO-YA that bumbaclat!



TD Admin | Bacon
68cal just avoid the issue that most people face with p90x(if they even finish), be sure to stay active and develop a good weight training routine for after you are done with p90x.


TD Member
yeah fer sure. id start p90x plus after, but i doubt i have the time. If I can fit it in, il fer sure to plus. if not im planning on running 2 or 3 times a week, and weight training 3 times a week. Il most likely use the p90x workouts but create my own schedule.
Well I use a rice cooker and I love the slow cooker. You can do a lot of good meals in those if you know what kind of time to leave your food in em. It's hassle free. Usually they are good because if you're a student and got a few classes, you can dump your food in one and usually it's ready after classes. It takes some getting used to as far as cooking time, but I can cook almost anything in one of those. Usually toss the meat in there with some herbs and potatoes, onions, garlic or whatever you want. If you like to cook you can easily get creative :P


TD Member

and Abdul, I love slow cookers too =p I used to use mine all the time last year. maybe i should start that thing up again, its so useful.