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P.E.I - What to do?

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Yoooooo, I am going to Prince Edward Island on the 15th and am just curious who has been there?

What are some "Must do's" and "Dont fucking bother's" while I am there...?


TD Admin
You can fish, pick potatoes and drink some beer. That's it, nothing to do after that. Have fun on the island. :D


TD Admin
Fap a lot ... make sure you exercise with both hands!
Or you can finally take the time to learn how to suck yourself instead of others :).


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
If you like to fish, you will love it. If not, just drink heavily.
Alright... so far it looks like I am going to 'take pictures' of me 'fapping' while 'picking potatoes' and 'drinking lots of beer'. After that I will 'Go fishing' and 'catch crabs' from some dirty sailors. In the mean time I will contemplate if I should 'kill some seals'.... Hmmm....

I really, really do appreciate the help guys/girl :)


TD Admin
yeahh ive been going there every other summer since i was a kid. not much to do there. bring your xbox.

Its always cool to visit the North Cape. giant windfarm is there now, lots of sea lions like to hang out on the islands tip at low tide.
LOTS of Golfing there. i guess you could try that
while your at North Cape, visit the wharf, maybe a Bluefin Tuna will be caught and coming in, those suckers are awesome to see in person.
You'll probably be spending alot of time at the beach. Water's Fuckin Cold. Build a fire at night, maybe party with some locals. be warned, they like to fight any and all outsiders. we learned that the hard way.
uhhh if you wanna do some shopping i guess you can go to cavendish i think.

after that you've done everything on the island.
nothing left to do but get drunk and smoke grass!


TD Admin
I lived in Ch'town PEI for almost 2 years. Ch'town can be toured in a day LOL, but what you need to do is drive along the shoreline. As iSeize said, North Cape has some cool windmill farm. The churches are pretty awesome too. Oh, you need to eat at Flex Mussels by the docks/pier in Ch'town -- awesome food there.

How long are you going to be in PEI for? If you're still there on Tuesday night, go to a pub called the Churchill Arms on University Ave. in Ch'town. They have trivia nights every Tuesday ~8pm -- it's a lot of fun (I certainly miss it), and you be humbled for sure ;). I have a win streak of 4 weeks in a row there (well, my team and I of course :P)
Get something good to eat....

Alright.... sounds good. Atleast now I got some good answers :D Don't get me wrong brains... if your into eating potatoes while fisting a fish with a beer in your ass, thats cool too. I think I will pass on that one though. (Thats funny shit, Fork) :D

Narf - I leave on the 15th and come back on the 26th.
Until the 21st I think it is... I'm playing beach volleyball (The reason I'm goin up) So I wont be able to do too much, but from the 22nd to 26th is vacation time!!!

Thanks guys, I will have to check a few of those places out. Going to have to go take down trivia night on tuesday I think, haha.


TD Admin
Cavendish is the shit. go there to party like its yo mommas b-day. LOTS of azns there due to the anne of green gables. Charlottetown is nice but expensive and basically a tourist trap. I stay in Tignish, which is a small ass fishing town but its fun to get wasted and do whatever you want cause nobody gives a fuck.
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