Sir Gentlemann
A Little Darkly
Things to look out for in Outpost?
I appreciate the words of wisdom Cmp, what you said is pretty accurate and anyone who reads this thread should follow your advice. In fact, lets make this into what to look out for on outpost, all contributions will be greatly appreciated.
I'm green-named and I have to say... That's completely true.You portray Outpost as the only collection of greed and idiocy, but with any site that's so useful yet so easy to join, it'll be overrun like Outpost.
Outpost is useful, but only if you're willing to hold your ground and not put up with any shit.
Typically, I skip any green-names, because 85% of those green-names will try to buy absurdly low and sell stupidly high. Profit is one thing, but most of these people take it to a scummy level. I could name a few people that I avoid like the plague, but that's for a different topic.
I'm green-named and I have to say... That's completely true.
My biggest issue is the amount of lazy traders who can't even read a goddamn trade. Everyone's ignorant.
Well, maybe those lazy trader's are not just lazy. Maybe they can't read properly because of the colors, or they don't think that the person put enough time and/or effort into the trade. For example, my killstreak trade thread is booming because people love the way I advertise.