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Opertaion Hinouchi in Deaths van.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Death and I have been planning for a little surprise for that asian fucker.

Firstly when he shows up Death will slip a Rohypnol into his drink.

Next i will seduce him with a chance to play DDR (thats Dance dance revolution for you white folks), what he doesnt know is that the DDR machine will be located strategically in Deaths van.

Once he gets going Death and I and going to wait till the effects of the Rohypnol kick in and thats when we begin. Also BJ will drive the van around the block several times to avoid suspicion.

I will start by bringing a razor to shave his precious hair. This hair will be sold to the highest bidder which will likely be Demarcio as he dreams of being asian.

Everything after that will be posted in detail after.

Equipment needed:
-DDR Machine

Btw death please clean out your van we may need more space for the DDR.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper


TD Member
I can't believe I just took 2 minutes out of my life to read this.
Poor Remy...

EDIT: sell hair on eBay?


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
We will start taking bids for Hinouchis hair!!!

Things to keep in mind:

Anything you do with it will be up to the buyer, seller has no restrictions or terms of use.

More than one bid can be placed.
