One fully co-operative night on TF2


TD Admin / Wanker
Picture by InvestaGator

Tonnes of spycrab tournaments, trivia, almost no killing for over an hour.
Was a good night.


TF2 Admin
Hurray! It's uploaded. (That's me with the Circling Heart).

It makes me think DARKLY needs a dedicated event server :P

It was enjoyable if you like that kind of thing.

...I still gotta give Yotta his prize :/

EDIT: What??? Why is that sniper pinned to the wall by an arrow???


TF2 Admin
What is an event server?

Custom-y server that would be used to facilitate doing activities, that wouldn't be trading or fighting. We actually had someone give donations to have a mass-spycrab on the server. I dunno really how to explain it. Go take a look at Hatten's server :P


Death by Darkly
Custom-y server that would be used to facilitate doing activities, that wouldn't be trading or fighting. We actually had someone give donations to have a mass-spycrab on the server. I dunno really how to explain it. Go take a look at Hatten's server :P

Some way to properly facilitate spycrabbing (and other activities) would be great - it's pretty popular, but it's difficult to do due to people wearing their arse on their head, and the team balance restriction (which I really don't understand why it needs to be enabled on a trade server) prevents people from doing it in spawn.


Skial's trade servers removed balance restriction. It actually is a good idea. If someone is showing off an unusual and I'm on the other team, I wouldn't be able to see it unless I look through the glass into the other teams spawn, to be shortly after killed by a W + M1 pyro with no skill or reason ;_;. But yeah, we should look into that.


TD Admin / Wanker
Actually it's not a bad idea.
And something to balance teams when one team is being heavily camped would be nice too.
Just to calm the mayhem down occasionally.